THANK YOU! Peninsula Home Fund hits $227,599


Last-minute contributions are still being tallied, but as of our last deposit at First Federal on Friday, $227,599.22 from people and organizations in Jefferson and Clallam counties had been donated to the Peninsula Daily News’ 2011 “hand up, not a handout” Peninsula Home Fund.

That’s not that far from the $248,367.35 we received last year when the 2010 campaign closed — and the final number for

2011 may even exceed last year’s total.

Better to give than receive? Just ask those who do.

Employees of the Clallam County Road Department sent a very generous donation with this note: “Even though our employees are feeling the effects of the economy slump, they still stepped up to the plate.”

A well-known Port Angeles businessman wrote a private note on his $150 contribution:

“I always intended to contributing to the Home Fund when my business was doing great — but I never got around to it.

“Now that my business is down, I want to give.

“I know that people need it even more in this economy.”

Other donations this past week ranged from a 7-year-old in Port Townsend who emptied her piggy bank of $14.32, a Port Ludlow youngster who sent us all his Christmas money, a Sequim couple who donated an incredible $15,000 — and a Peninsula College student who found a $10 bill in the college’s parking lot.

“I thought it might be helpful, maybe buy someone some food,” the PC student wrote.

It will.

We’ll have a wrapup story in next Sunday’s PDN and at on how much has been collected in the 2011 campaign — the Home Fund began in 1989 — along with a list of final donors.

Whether your donation was big or small, your neighbors on the Peninsula thank you — and we thank you.

None of this would be possible without the generous support of our readers.

Fund never closes

While the books on the 2011 campaign are about to be closed, the Peninsula Home Fund itself never closes.

New contributions (envelopes postmarked after Dec. 31, checks dated Jan. 1 or thereafter, or donations by credit card received after Saturday) will go — with much thanks — toward the 2012 campaign.

The holiday fundraising campaign for the Home Fund begins every year on Thanksgiving Day and runs through Dec. 31.

But donations of any amount are always welcome.

Contributions collected this year before Thanksgiving gave us a running start on the 2011 drive.

Individuals, couples, businesses and school groups contributed $14,039 between Jan. 1 and Nov. 23.

To make a donation for 2012, click on or use the 2012 Home Fund coupon on the right.

Peninsula’s safety net

The Peninsula Home Fund is a unique nonprofit collaboration between Peninsula Daily News readers and Olympic Community Action Programs (OlyCAP), the No. 1 emergency services agency for Jefferson and Clallam counties.

It is a safety net for people in Jefferson and ­Clallam counties when they suddenly face an emergency situation and can’t find help elsewhere.

From Port Townsend to Forks, from Quilcene and Brinnon to Sequim and LaPush, the Home Fund provides hot meals for seniors, meeting rent, energy and transportation needs, warm winter coats for kids, home repairs for the low-income, needed eyeglasses and prescription drugs, dental work, safe and drug-free temporary housing . . .

The list goes on and on — from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, the Peninsula Home Fund served more than 2,600 families, many with children, and hundreds of individuals.

Assistance, which usually averages less than $100, is also limited to one time in a 12-month period.

The average amount of help this year was about $95 per family.

But even though the dollar figures are small, the impact can be big, in huge, life-changing ways.

And, as needed, Peninsula Home Fund contributions are often used in conjunction with money from churches and other agencies, enabling OlyCAP to stretch the value of the contribution.

Bridging the chasm

The distance is often very short between those of us with jobs and homes and medical care — and those Peninsula residents for whom fate has dealt a much different reality.

Peninsula Home Fund workers again this year heard heartbreaking stories of unexpected poverty and illness — and more recipients were seeking help from the fund for the first time, often because a family member recently lost a job.

Always showing respect and kindness to people who don’t always receive that in their daily lives, Home Fund staff’s most

important goal is to get the individual or family through a crisis and back on the path to self-sufficiency.

Whenever possible, Peninsula Home Fund case managers work with each individual or family to develop a plan to become financially stable — and avoid a recurrence of the emergency that prompted aid from the fund.

The fund is not set up to hand out money passively — recipients play active roles in their own success, their own rehabilitation, their own empowerment, their own futures.

That’s the “hand up, not a handout” focus of the Home Fund.

No money is deducted from donations by Peninsula Daily News.

Every penny goes to OlyCAP to help the most vulnerable members of our community, from infants to families to seniors.

Because of the extraordinary demand experienced by OlyCAP in 2011 — and plummeting cutbacks in grants and government support — for the first time in the 22-year history of the Home Fund, OlyCAP will use a portion of the fund in 2012 to pay for the helping hands who see clients.

The amount will be limited to 10 cents of every dollar donated.

OlyCAP can no longer absorb the costs of managing all the facets of the Home Fund — screening applicants, providing counseling and carefully disbursing the funds — without financial assistance.

It must tap a small portion of the fund this year as tough times compound the challenges it faces to help those in need.

Applying for a grant

To apply for a Peninsula Home Fund grant, phone OlyCAP at 360-452-4726 (Clallam County) or 360-385-2571 (Jefferson County).

■ OlyCAP’s Port Angeles office is at 228 W. First St., Suite J (Armory Square Mall); 360-452-4726.

■ Its Port Townsend office is at 803 W. Park Ave.; 360-385-2571.

■ The Forks/West End office is at 421 Fifth Ave.; 360-374-6193.

OlyCAP’s website:; email:

If you have any questions about the fund, phone John Brewer, Peninsula Daily News editor and publisher, at 360-417-3500.

Or email him:

Contributions so far

Many donors to the Home Fund give their names, some perhaps hoping to spur friends and colleagues to donate, too.

Others, including some of the Peninsula’s most well-known figures, prefer to remain anonymous.

While the vast majority of donations come from Jefferson and Clallam counties, donors (usually former residents) in remote parts of the state and as far away as Tokyo and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago sent checks this year.

A donor’s personal information is kept confidential.

The PDN does not rent, sell, give or otherwise share your address or other information with anyone or make any other use of it.

Here is a list of donors whose contributions were processed between Dec. 23 and Dec. 29. (Our final donor list for 2011 will be in our Sunday, Jan. 8, edition.)

Thank you very much for making a difference in the lives — and futures — of your neighbors:

■ Anna-Grace Skewes, Port Angeles — $3,000. In memory of Jay Skewes.

■ Ron and Merine Allen, Sequim — $500. In memory of Amy Allen.

■ Aview Mobile RV Cabins, Clallam Bay — $1,500. In honor of Douglas, Adam, John, Grace, Marty, Bob, Sean, Heather, Tonya, Michael, Christian, Melissa, Ty, Ella and Kamera. May this help spread the true meaning of Christmas: giving to those in need.

■ Tina and Pat O’Hara and Trisha, Justin and Layla Parker, Port Angeles — $100. In memory of Daniel Holmquist.

■ Lorna Konopaski, Port Angeles — $100. In memory of Warren and Marty.

■ Larry and Pat Ledbetter, Port Angeles — $100. In loving memory of the Hartje and Ledbetter families.

■ JC and Pat S., Sequim — $200. Thanks again for the wonderful job you do every year to help the folks who need a hand up, not a handout. You make me feel how great it is to live in this area. God bless.

■ Deborah and Dean Reed, Port Angeles — $100. In honor of our parents, Ingmar and Connie Anderson and Jack and Betty Reed, in grateful thanksgiving for all they did for their children.

■ The Friedrich family, Port Hadlock — $50. In memory of Andy Mackie.

■ William and Nancy McCorkle, Sequim — $100.

■ Andy and Jeanne Jubb, Carlsborg — $100.

■ Paul S. Hanway, Sequim — $100.

■ Oscar and Carol Lind, Port Townsend — $75.

■ Cal and Lu Mogck, Sequim — $100. In honor of all military families at Christmas without their spouses.

■ Jerry and Arlene Weed, Sequim — $100.

■ Randel Washburne and Gunvor Hildal, Port Angeles — $100.

■ Weezie Jenkins and Steve Conner, Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago — $250.

■ Daniel and Barbara Hart, Port Angeles — $100. In memory of our parents.

■ Peggy and Jerry Newlin, Port Angeles — $50.

■ Bill and Beverlee Benbow, Sequim — $100.

Many thanks also to these donors (who requested that the amount of their donation be kept private):

■ Thelma Claplanhoo, Neah Bay. In memory of my husband, Edward Claplanhoo. I miss you so much.

■ AMS Audio Enterprise Inc., Sequim.

■ Michelle Lynn, Sequim. In memory of Joyce Davis.

■ Employees of the Clallam County Road Department, Port Angeles. To help support those in need this holiday season. We are proud to be able to support your fund again this year. Even though our employees are feeling the effects of the economy slump, they still stepped up to the plate. Thank you for all the work you do to help those in need.

■ Dick and Glenda Cable, Sequim. In honor of Sandra Thompson.

■ Phyllis Bentley, Sequim.

■ Don and Vicki Hinrichsen, Port Angeles.

■ Eugene and Lois Larsen, Port Angeles.

■ Charles and Nancy Boulay, Port Townsend.

■ Mr. and Mrs. Williams Beal, Sequim.

■ Gilbert and Melinda Thompson, Port Angeles.

■ Ruth Godfrey, Sequim. In memory of Frank Godfrey and Frank Godfrey Jr.

■ Emery and Lila Winters, Port Angeles. In memory of our parents and in honor of our military men and women. Thank you.

■ Dan and Judy Hendrickson, Port Angeles.

■ Nancy Vivolo, Port Angeles.

■ Linda Anderson, Sequim.

■ Darold and Kay Seed, Port Angeles.

■ Paul and Paula Slyh, Sequim. In memory of all loved ones.

■ Dale and Barbara Cushman, Port Angeles.

■ Penny Ervin, Port Angeles. In memory of Carole Cudd.

■ Kathy Sculley, Port Angeles.

■ John Austin, Port Ludlow.

■ Nancy, Angie, Eric, Ronald Hansen, Port Angeles. In memory of Cliff and Cliffy Hansen.

Cliff and Cliffy:

Life will never be the same without you. Our memories can only comfort us so much.

We love and miss you.

— Nancy, Angie, Eric, Ronald Hansen

■ Nancy Wilcox, Port Angeles. In memory of Unc Ron Farrington.

Unc Ron, Santa is still singing and dancing and has your favorite beverage in his hand.

Love and miss you always.

— Love, your niece Nancy

■ Wayne Murphy (no city given).

■ Florence Marceau, Port Angeles.

■ Douglas and Marline Atterbury, Port Angeles. In honor of Travis Brown.

■ Rudy and April Hiener, Port Angeles. In memory of Ken and Charlotte Bradford.

■ Linda Priest, Sequim. In memory of Leroy Priest and Mary Ann Pavelski.

■ Michelle Lynn, Sequim. In memory of Joyce Davis.

■ Erica C. Schreiber, Sequim. In honor of Sequim Medical Groups — the very special medical groups in Sequim who are taking care of my health needs and have done so for several years.

■ Patricia Wheatley, Port Angeles. In memory of (my children) Tami and Byron.

■ John and Denise Kane, Sequim. In honor of Rick and Julie Offner of Washington, D.C. (the other Washington) but soon to residents of Washington state.

■ William R. Parke Chapel Hill, N.C. In memory of Earl and Bernice Parke.

■ William R. Parke Chapel Hill, N.C. In memory of Bob and Peggy Reith.

■ Pat Pearson, Port Ludlow. In memory of Hap Matheson.

■ Don and Marilyn Thomas, Sequim. In times like these, your program is such a great thing. Keep up the great work!

■ Shaun Hubbard, Seattle. In honor of Tom Swanson and Robin Hubbard Swanson.

■  Geoffrey Melly, Port Angeles. In honor of Melly/Calabria.

■ Christine Hemp and Ole Kanestrom, Port Townsend. In memory of George Kanestrom, Petery and Mary Hemp.

■ Dick and Vicki Van Calcar, Port Angeles.

■ Jenifer and Lynn Taylor, Port Townsend.

■ Norma Wiggins, Port Angeles. In memory of Dora and Tony Anton.

■ WA Alpha Zeta Master Chapter Beta Sigma Phi, Sequim. In memory of Mary Alice McClure, Jackie Herring, Kathy Little and Pauline Burt.

■ Bob and BJ McQueen, Port Ludlow. In honor of our children.

■ Glen and Norma Humphrey, Sequim. In memory of Aunt Ruth Drobny.

■ Naomi and Tom Foley, Sequim. In memory of H. Glenn Holtzer.

■ Jacqueline Davis, Sequim. In honor of Mike and Sherri.

■ Renate Frates, Sequim. In memory of Charlie Frates.

■ Marlynn Langford, Port Angeles. In honor of Calvin Langford.

■ Lorraine Baldwin, Sequim. In honor of Patricia Flynn.

■ Philip and Beverly Rich, Port Townsend. In memory of Don Rosbach.

■ Ron and Bobbi Khile, Port Townsend. In memory of Robert Duncan.

■ Olympic Electric, Port Angeles. In memory of Henry and Jane Burkhardt.

■ Phil and Kathy Giuntoli, Port Angeles. In memory of Larry Page — you were always so generous.

■ Jodi O’Neill, Port Angeles. In memory of F.M. O’Neill.

■ Joan Doonan and Marcia Fagin, Sequim. In memory of Marjorie Fagin.

■ Velma Johnson, Port Angeles. In honor of Corky Johnson.

■ Charles and Shirley Lehman, Sequim. In memory of our son, Randy.

■ Meridy Warder, Port Angeles. In memory of John and Betty Warder.

■ Steve Moore and Gigi Callaizakis, Port Townsend.

In honor of Elaine Moore.

In honor of Jane Stearns.

In honor of Mary and Vince Collison.

In honor of Buffy Collison.

These are the Christmas gifts for these various family members and, hopefully, a help for those who need the Home Fund as well.

■ Josephine Soltis, Sequim. In memory of Linda Henricksen.

■ Maggie Jamison, Sequim. In memory of Judy Maguire.

■ Randy and Cindy Mesenbrink, Forks. In memory of Father Patrick O’Hogan.

■ Jeanine and Richard Moore, Sequim. In honor of Jesus Christ our Savior.

■ Lois and Gene Brown, Sequim. In memory of Greg Brown.

■ Jay and Alicia Crawford, Sequim. In honor of Violet O’Dell — an inspiration to all who know her.

■ George and Shirley Williams, Port Townsend. In honor of Keith and Manine.

■ Wayne and Lois Bozarth, Port Angeles. In honor the Rodman and Bozarth families,

■ Sally Milici, Beaver. In memory of Dirk Milici.

■ John and Marie Mavrs, Port Angeles. In memory of Perry and Marjorie Brackett and Larry.

■ Theresa Gross, Sequim. In memory of Jack L. Gross.

■ Mara and Paul Mowery, Port Angeles. In honor of many who listen to their hearts and help those in need.

■ Linda Button, Port Angeles. In honor of Mae Gagnon and all of the crafties.

■ Robert Pfeiffer, Port Angeles.

■ Bryce and Gail Fish, Sequim.

■ L.W. Ostlund, Port Angeles.

■ Kathy Grissom, Port Angeles.

■ Margo Donzé-Sanders, Sequim.

■ Jean Slaight and Alvin F. Slaight Jr., Sequim.

■ Janet and Leo Dodge, Port Angeles.

■ Jackson and Elizabeth Williams, Sequim.

■ Jan and Bob Quick, Port Ludlow.

■ John and Sue Miles, Port Angeles.

■ Richard Terril, Port Angeles.

■ Denzel and Lisa Schoenfeldt, Port Angeles.

■ Richard and Suellen Knight, Port Townsend.

■ David and Karen Papandrew, Sequim.

■ Dick and Connie Thorson, Port Angeles.

■ John and Mary Wegmann, Port Angeles.

■ Sons of Norway — Olympic Lodge, Port Angeles.

■ Shirley and Bob Widdicombe, Sequim.

■ Pat Wisen, Sequim.

■ Sandra Smith-Poling and Mitchell Poling, Port Townsend.

■ Kay and David Goetz, Port Townsend.

■ Bill and Jeanne Manzer, Sequim.

■ Shirley Paul, Sequim.

■ Marline and Michael Lesh, Port Angeles.

■ Nydia Levick, Sequim.

■ Jon and Sheri Judd, Port Angeles.

■ Ray and Sandy Thomas, Carlsborg.

■ Gerald and Charlotte Pierce, Sequim.

■ Durkee Richards, Sequim.

■ E.I. Rosenberg, Sequim.

■ Harvey and Margaret Katz, Port Angeles.

■ Bob and Lucille Schmitt, Port Angeles.

■ Betty J. Nicholson, Port Angeles.

■ John and Diana Anderson, Sequim.

■ Katherine Dunham, Sequim.

■ Richard and Elizabeth Geddes, Port Angeles.

■ Marc Reinertson, Port Angeles.

■ Richard Serkes, Port Angeles.

■ Darryl and Joan Walker, Sequim.

■ Freia Palmer, Port Angeles.

■ Carrol and Alan Clark, Sequim.

■ Bill and Lora Carswell, Port Angeles.

■ Char McCain, Port Angeles. In memory of Rick Haskins.

■ Gary and Linda Reidel, Port Angeles. With love and friendship to our dear friends Mary Brelsford and Mike Sorenson for happy holidays and a wonderful New Year.

■ Gary and Linda and Scott Reidel and Deanna Reidel-Richert, Port Angeles. In memory of our dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle, Roger “Thunder” Reidel. You’re always in the families’ hearts — we miss you.

■ Paul Richmond, Port Angeles. On behalf of the Jim’s Pharmacy employees, thank you for all you do for our community!

■ Robert and Hayes Wasilewski, Port Angeles. In memory of our parents.

■ Donna M. Frazer, Port Angeles. In memory of husband Ed and son Michael.

■ Joseph N. Cress and Elaine M. Peaslee, Sequim. In memory of our daughter, Jenny.

■ Dee and Garry Kispert, Sequim. In honor of Dennis and Mimi Johnson.

■ Larry Fox and Nancy Prince-Fox, Port Angeles. To those, whatever their needs may be.

■ Sequim Center for Spiritual Living, Sequim.

■ Darryl Huddleston, Sequim.

■ The Barnells, Port Angeles.

■ Les C. Mitchell, Port Angeles.

■ Joseph Cammack, Port Angeles. On behalf of the Jim’s Pharmacy employees, thank you for all you do for our community!

■ Mad Maggi, Sequim.

■ Brett and Sue Oemichen, Port Ludlow.

■ Bud and Ginny Bowling, Sequim.

■ Dallas and Penny Linson, Sequim.

■ Mrs. Lillian Brandeberry and Mr. Worth Brandeberry, Forks.

■ Kay and Don Allen, Port Townsend.

■ Kristin Ecklund, Sequim. In memory of my mother, Laverne Ecklund.

■ Anita Matthay, Sequim.

■ Tom and Jacque Schaafsma, Sequim. In memory of Owen Sumerwell.

■ Susan Gilleland and Lee Bowen, Sequim.

■ A Peninsula Daily News employee, Port Angeles.

Many thanks also to these donors (who requested anonymity):

■ Port Angeles — $200. In memory of Mom, Dad, Helen and Boria.

■ Forks — $20.

■ Port Townsend — $50.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Sequim — $20.

■ Port Angeles — $500.

■ Sequim — $50. In memory of Roy Robinson.

■ Sequim — $50. In memory of Diane Demorest.

■ Sekiu — $150. In honor of Marcus and Corrie Larsen.

■ Port Angeles — $50. In memory of Martin Risch.

■ Port Angeles — $1,000. In memory of Matthew Thomas McGoff.

■ Port Angeles — $100

■ Port Angeles — $500. In memory of Merrill and Pauline Bleck.

■ Port Angeles — $500. In memory of Gerald Bevan.

■ Port Townsend — $200. In honor of Johnny and Julie Bryant and Thrreen Smith and Thomas Williams. Welcome.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Port Angeles — $350.

■ Port Angeles — $400.

■ Port Ludlow — $100.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Sequim — $20.

■ Sequim — $15.

■ Port Angeles — $200.

■ Port Angeles — $100.

■ Neah Bay — $100.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Port Angeles — $800.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Port Angeles — $200.

■ Port Angeles — $100.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Port Angeles — $25.

■ Port Angeles — $100.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Port Angeles — $1,000.

■ Sequim — $200.

■ Sequim — $700.

■ Port Angeles — $100.

■ Port Angeles — $25.

■ Port Angeles — $25.

■ Port Angeles — $50.

■ Port Angeles — $20.

■ Port Angeles — $100.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Port Ludlow — $100.

■ Sequim — $50. Thank you for what you do for the community.

■ Sequim — $50. In honor of Karen Griffiths and her work at the Peninsula Daily News.

■ Port Ludlow — $1,000. In memory of Jim Welle A.

■ Sequim — $30.

■ Sequim — $700.

■ Sequim — $500.

■ Port Angeles — $25.

■ Sequim — $25.

■ Sequim — $200.

■ Sequim — $25. In honor of Bob and Jan Gross.

■ Port Angeles — $100. In memory of Kevin McCartney.

■ Port Townsend — $14.32

■ Port Ludlow — $100.

■ Port Angeles — $5.

■ Sequim — $25.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Sequim — $250.

■ Sequim — $500. In honor of our dads, Robert and Edward. Both of our dads proudly served our country. Both had a

passion for flying. Both are greatly missed.

■ Port Angeles — $1,000.

■ Sequim — $200.


HANDWRITING CAN BE hard to decipher at times.

Please report any errors in this list to John Brewer, 360-417-3500 (there’s voice mail if he’s away) or email him at

We’ll rerun the listing correctly.

Our sincerest appreciation again to our donors.

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