PORT ANGELES — Work crews from Scarsella Brothers, Inc., will resume construction on the city of Port Angeles’ west side sewer projects today.
The projects are designed to upgrade and expand wastewater conveyance capacity in west Port Angeles, home to 41 percent of the city’s utility customers.
Crews will begin with completion of the pump station 3 force main replacement on Marine Drive.
The 5,800-foot-long force main, a pressurized sewer line, was replaced last summer.
Crews will begin the second phase of the project today, including the installation of ADA-compliant sidewalk ramps, permanent backfill of the new force main and finalizing the trench work on Marine Drive. The work is expected to continue through early June.
After completing the force main project, crews will begin what the city calls the Marine Drive overlay project.
This project, scheduled for June 17 through mid-August, involves planing and repaving the width of Marine Drive from the Tumwater Truck Route to Hill Street.
Additionally, beginning June 3, crews will begin installing a parallel gravity main along West Fourth Street from the intersection of Milwaukee Drive and N Street to the intersection of Fourth Street and Evans Avenue.
The additional main will increase sewer capacity and prevent sanitary sewer overflows in west Port Angeles.
Work on the parallel main is expected to be complete by early September.
Construction work will mostly be conducted weekdays between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.
During the various projects, drivers and residents can expect:
• One-way traffic on Marine Drive.
• Single-lane traffic on West Fourth Street.
• Possible closures of West Fourth Street between Milwaukee Drive and M Street.
• Occasional traffic delays and increased commute times.
• Temporary sidewalk closures.
This construction will address aging infrastructure and improve flow capacity to accommodate planned growth in the city’s western urban growth areas.
For more information, email publicworks@cityofpa.us or visit www.cityofpa.us/cityprojects.