PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Symphony, a 70-member community orchestra in its 85th season, has spaces for new members, and conductor-music director Jonathan Pasternack encourages musicians to audition this fall.
Musicians can make appointments by calling the orchestra’s office at 360-457-5579 or emailing portangelessymphony@gmail.org.
From both counties
The symphony includes players from across and beyond both Clallam and Jefferson counties.
“We have openings especially for strings and percussion,” said Pasternack, who leads the orchestra in two Pops & Picnic concerts in September, five main-stage symphony concerts and six chamber concerts every season.
The music ranges from Mozart, Berlioz and Tchaikovsky to Sibelius, Vaughan Williams, Brahms and beyond.
Pasternack, maestro since 2015, said he’s always eager to meet new musicians on the North Olympic Peninsula.
He added that he is developing a pool of substitute orchestra players.
A volunteer orchestra founded in 1932, the Port Angeles Symphony brings together a variety of players, from accomplished high school students on up to retired professionals.
These musicians perform in venues including the Port Angeles High School auditorium, 304 E. Park Ave.; Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 Lopez Ave., Port Angeles; and the Sequim Worship Center, 640 N. Sequim Ave., Sequim.
Singers also sought
Singers also have an opportunity to make music with the symphony.
Pasternack formed the Port Angeles Symphony Chorus in 2016 and plans to hold auditions on the evening of Tuesday, Sept. 19, beginning at 6. Singers must make appointments.