PORT ANGELES — The city of Port Angeles is accepting applications for a variety of boards, committees and commissions.
They are:
• Planning Commission: two positions.
• Board of Adjustment: one position.
• Civil Service Commission: two positions.
• Construction Code Board of Appeals: four positions.
• Lodging Tax Advisory Committee: two tax-collector positions, two tax-recipient positions and three citizen-at-large positions.
• Port Angeles Forward Committee: one citizen-at-large position.
• Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission: two positions, plus two vacancies for student representatives.
• Utility Advisory Committee: one community representative and one medic I representative.
Interested individuals can obtain applications from the city manager’s office at 321 E. Fifth St. or at www.cityofpa.us/ boardscc.htm.
Applications must be received by 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 15.
For detailed information on each board, commission or committee vacancy, phone Teresa Pierce at 360-417-4630 or e-mail tpierce@cityofpa.us.