PORT ANGELES — Supporters of developing Hoko River State Park and a site on the Miller Peninsula say they are pleased the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission allocated a portion of its proposed $87.17 million capital budget to help maintain the properties.
During an all-day meeting Thursday at the Vern Burton Center in Port Angeles, members of the state commission allocated $350,000 to stabilize the Cowan Barn and rehabilitate the Cowan House at Hoko River State Park west of Sekiu.
In addition, $150,000 was reserved to help with the initial development of the state park system’s Miller Peninsula property.
But the additional purchase of the Pacific Aerospace property adjacent to state land holdings on the Miller Peninsula did not happen.
“I am thrilled that they are focusing and continuing to move forward,” said Darlene Schanfald, who is a founding member of the Friends of Miller Peninsula State Park.
“I get the feeling they are certainly considering purchasing the additional property, which would save them money in the long run because it has offices, a garage and utilities for when the park is established.”
If the 2005-07 budget request is approved, funds would be available in the fall 2005.