PORT ANGELES — A subdivision that will embrace both airplanes and agriculture won approval Tuesday from Clallam County Commissioners.
On Dave LeRoux’s Discovery Trail Farm — 65 acres southeast of Old Olympic Highway and Kitchen-Dick Road — 14 homes will be linked by a taxiway to adjacent Sequim Valley Airport and its 3,500-foot-long runway.
The one-acre lots will be clustered together in the center of the site, with the remainder of the land placed under a conservation easement that will keep it in farming forever.
“These people are getting a 50-acre backyard,” LeRoux said after the commission meeting, “with somebody else to mow it.”
Clallam County has allowed the special zoning — called agricultural reserve –for several years, LeRoux said, but Discovery Trail Farm is the first subdivision to use it.
The zone rewards the developer with a “density bonus” to build more homes if they are clustered on one-quarter of the site.
In this case, the bonus would let LeRoux build four more homes there.