PORT ANGELES — The city is seeking old photographs and building materials for the upcoming Carnegie Library project, which could begin this spring.
The city is repairing the historic Carnegie Library building, which served as the city library until 1998, as part of a cooperative project with the Clallam County Historical Society and other local governments.
Whether that project will be a “renovation” or a more extensive “restoration” though hasn’t been decided yet, said city Public Works Director Glenn Cutler.
“Even if we just do the renovation, we want to use as many of the original materials as we can,” Cutler said.
The City Council will hear a presentation at its Nov. 20 meeting on the costs and benefits of simply renovating the library versus doing a full restoration, he said.
This full report appears in the Clallam edition of the Peninsula Daily News. Click on “Subscribe” to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.