PORT ANGELES — City Council member Lee Whetham announced this morning he will run for John Calhoun’s soon-to-be vacant seat on the Port of Port Angeles Board of Commissioners.
Calhoun, the board’s senior member, has announced he will not run for re-election for his West End District 3 position, which has a 6-year term.
Whetham, 55, defeated online publisher Peter Ripley for the Position 2 City Council seat in the November 2013 election and has been in office for 15 months.
Whetham, a licensed journeyman plumber and recently elected executive secretary of the Olympic Peninsula Building & Construction Trades Council AFL-CIO, is “a proven problem solver and consensus builder,” he said this morning in a prepared statement.
If elected, Whetham, who lives in west Port Angeles, will resign his position on the City Council, he said this morning in an interview.
Candidate filing week for the Nov. 3 general election is May 11 through May 15.