PORT ANGELES — Some Americans who travel abroad are taken aback at the sight of armed soldiers patrolling the airports.
It starts here Saturday morning.
A half-dozen armed Washington National Guard troops will begin providing extra security at William R. Fairchild International Airport, said Airport Manager Jeff Robb.
They are among 200 Guardsmen ready to begin security duty today and Saturday at 10 international airports today from Sea Tac to Walla Walla.
Travelers can expect a very obvious military presence.
They will carry military-issue 9mm handguns and be dressed in green camouflage uniforms.
The soldiers won’t tote the automatic rifles that are part of the heavy security presence visible at so many air terminals around the world.
This full report appears in today’s Peninsula Daily News, on sale throughout the North Olympic Peninsula. Get your PDN delivered to your home or office by simply clicking on “Subscribe.”