PORT ANGELES — Advocates of keeping Monroe Elementary School open have a glimmer of hope — and 90 days to change the School Board’s mind.
The Port Angeles School District board, by a 4-1 vote, triggered a 90-day closure process on the district’s oldest elementary school late Monday night.
The three months will give the public the opportunity to address the board in formal public hearings, and it will give the district staff time to figure out how Monroe students, teachers and staff will be divided among any or all of the five other grade schools.
The board decided Monday that Monroe should be considered for closure over Fairview Elementary School — the only other school considered — to overcome a projected $300,000 deficit in the 2004-05 operating budget.
School Board President Charlie McClain said details will be worked out during the next 90 days, and Monroe parents will know before the end of the school year — June 17 — where their children will attend school next year.