Junior Rodeo Results
Following are the results from the Peninsula Junior Rodeo:
Sedro Wooley, July 26-27
n Jai-Lynn Taylor — Cal Stak, third place; goat tying, second place.
n Sierra Ballou — Cal Stake, fifth place; goat tying, fifth place; roping, second place.
n Cassi-anne Moore — Mutton busting, first place.
n Kaitlyn Meek — Goat tying, sixth place; barrels, fifth place.
n Anne Meek — Poles, first place; barrels, fifth place; trail, first place.
n Garth McCaleb — Trail, eighth place; calf roping, second place.
n Ashley Angevine — Trail, second place; goat tying, seventh place.
n Paige Witherow — Trail, fourth place.
n Emily Vanausdale — Trail, fifth place.
Yelm Rodeo, Aug. 9-10
n Jai-Lynn Taylor — Cal stake, second place; goat tying, first place; dummy roping, second place; “All Around Buckaroo.”
n Sierra Ballou — Cal stake, fifth place; goat tying, second place.
n Madison Ballou — Poles, sixth place; goat tying, fourth place; dummy roping, sixth place; barrels, fifth place.
n Emily Vanausdale — Poles, fifth place.
n Kynzie Hendricks — Poles, sixth place.
n Garth McCaleb — Calf roping, third place; team roping, third place.
N Carl Bissonette — Chute dogging, first place; bull riding, first place.