All city of Port Angeles and Clallam County employees will hold a prayer gathering in honor of the victims of last week's terrorist attacks. It… Continue reading
NEAH BAY -- The Makah tribe has set aside 278 acres in the Waatch River valley in an effort to restore the marbled murrelet population.… Continue reading
The state Parks and Recreation Commission is poised to rescind a controversial users fee slated to go into effect at many state parks on the… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Cable TV customers could see some major changes in their service in the coming years, thanks to a new franchise agreement and… Continue reading
A show-cause motion filed against Clallam County commissioners in Superior Court was continued Friday after a county attorney said she wasn't prepared to argue the… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Port Angeles and Clallam County employees will gather Tuesday morning for a 45-minute ceremony in remembrance of those who died in the… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Hundreds huddled together Saturday evening at City Pier to pray for those injured or killed in Tuesday's terrorist attacks. They wrapped themselves… Continue reading
PORT TOWNSEND -- Jefferson County officials say it will cost $3.5 million to reinforce structural defects in the courthouse clock tower. County Public Works Director… Continue reading
Airlines and air charter services serving Port Angeles and Port Townsend are returning to normal schedules. Federal officials on Friday reopened the skies to most… Continue reading
As reserve soldiers, airmen and sailors are called to active duty, the American Red Cross is resuming its military caseworker program. Janet Hughes, executive director… Continue reading
PORT TOWNSEND -- The vapor trail of a jet airliner served as an impromptu flyby during memorial services at the Jefferson County Courthouse on Friday.… Continue reading
SEQUIM -- An estimated 1,500 residents gathered Friday at the Sequim High School stadium to pray for those killed in terrorist attacks in New York… Continue reading
Nearly 20 churches in Port Angeles will come together Saturday evening to honor and pray for the victims of Tuesday's terrorist attacks in New York… Continue reading
MARROWSTONE ISLAND -- Rita Kepner of Marrowstone Island has seen suffering first hand -- from the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma to earthquake… Continue reading
Despite aircraft being grounded nationwide, a Sequim pilot was granted a special clearance Wednesday to transport blood donated during a Clallam Bay drive for victims… Continue reading
Coast Guard and other officials throughout the North Olympic Peninsula remained on heightened alert Wednesday, a day after terrorism attacks shocked the nation. "There's nothing… Continue reading
Federal authorities have identified more than a dozen hijackers of Middle Eastern descent in Tuesday's bombings and gathered evidence linking them to Osama bin Laden… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Cars parked in front of the airport terminal were towed Wednesday as security was tightened prior to resumption of airline service. But… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Concert on the Pier will go on as scheduled tonight, with the Hawaiian music group Naki"i performing from 6 p.m. to 8… Continue reading
SEQUIM -- A local church will offer daylong vigils today and Friday for residents praying for the victims of the terrorist attacks Tuesday in New… Continue reading