SEQUIM — Those attending performances at Olympic Theatre Arts no longer have to walk on a gravel path to the entrance, thanks to recent upgrades to the nonprofit’s facilities.
An anonymous couple donated $45,000 to Olympic Theatre Arts, 414 N. Sequim Ave., toward exterior renovations — some of the first renovations since the theater opened in 2010.
“We’re thrilled,” said Carol Willis, Olympic Theatre Arts executive director.
Jamieson said the theater has a giving tree in its lobby with a wish list of various needs, said Marie Jamieson, Olympic Theatre Arts marketing manager. The anonymous donors picked a “leaf” off the giving tree and wanted to provide additional renovations to what was listed.
The parking lot was repaved and now includes wheel stops. Sidewalks were added. The gravel was replaced near the parking lot. A paved entry walkway was added with a brick pattern, the landscape was redone with new boulders and rocks, and the dumpster was enclosed.
Willis said the renovations started Sept. 20 and were finished Oct. 3.
“It’s amazing. It warms my heart,” Willis said.
On the list for future renovation in phase two is the lobby. The hope is to extend the lobby glass enclosure a story and a half high.
That would provide a semi-circular glass entry aimed toward Sequim Avenue to create a more inviting arts center to the community.
“I think it needs more of a public presence,” Willis said.
“We’re trying to invite the community in. We don’t want to look private and closed.”
Willis said she hopes to start phase two of the renovations one year from now and hopes more donors will come forward to help.
Erin Hawkins is a reporter with the Olympic Peninsula News Group, which is composed of Sound Publishing newspapers Peninsula Daily News, Sequim Gazette and Forks Forum. Reach her at