PORT TOWNSEND — The Port Townsend Family Orchestra’s Spring Concert will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday.
The two-hour concert directed by Fred Nussbaum will be in the First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall at1111 Franklin St.
The program will include works by Bach, Telemann, Vivaldi, Britten and Mendelssohn.
The orchestra is a group of people who get together and play music under the support and guidance of a skilled conductor. Everyone is welcome.
The intermediate/advanced group meets at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday evenings at Swan School, 2345 Kuhn St.
For more information, see https://ptfamilyorchestra.wordpress.com/.
Composter, recycler program
PORT ANGELES — A free five-week Master Composters & Recyclers program will begin Tuesday, May 1.
Registration is required. To register, contact waste reduction coordinator Megan Davis at 360-417-2000 ext. 2026 or mdavis@co.clallam.wa.us.
All classes — with the exception of a Wednesday, May 16 field trip — will be held Tuesdays 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. until May 29 at the Port Angeles Library Carver Room at 2210 S. Peabody St.
The field trip will visit the Regional Transfer Station at 3501 W. 18th St. from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Highlighted during the program will be waste prevention activities with local solutions by working with area haulers, governments and organizations to create effective practices and educate community members.
Topics covered during the course include thoughtful consumerism, composting, upcycling, reusing, repairing and repurposing, “green” cleaning, as well as correct recycling procedures.
Attendees can earn their Master Composter & Recycler Certification upon completion of the program, as well as volunteering 10 hours.
The program is offered by the Washington State University Clallam County Extension and Clallam County Department of Public Works and is sponsored by Local Solid Waste Financial Assistance program through the state Department of Ecology.
VHOCC orientation
Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County will hold two informal orientations in Carlsborg and Port Angeles onThursday and Friday.
The Carlsborg meeting will be held from 11 a.m. to noon Thursday. Those interested in attending arerequested to call 360-775-7806 for directions.
The Port Angeles meeting will occur from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Friday at hospice’s headquarters at 540 E.Eighth St.
Those who are interested in volunteering, or seeking to learn more about hospice are encouraged to attendthe free meetings.
Reception desk positions are currently open in Port Angeles.
Volunteers can receive training as necessary to answer and transfer calls, greet visitors, donors and peoplerequiring equipment.
For more information, call 360-452-1511, visit hospice’s website at www.vhocc.org or its Facebook page.
Landing practice
COUPEVILLE — There will be field carrier landing practice operations for aircraft stationed at Naval AirStation Whidbey Island at Ault Field midmorning to early afternoon, then night to late night Monday.
Operations will continue night to late night Tuesday Wednesday.
Flight operations are also set for midmorning to early afternoon Thursday.
Practice will also occur Friday afternoon.
Aircraft carrier-based flight training also will occur at the Outlying Field night to late night Tuesday andWednesday.
Practice is also slated for Thursday afternoon.
Comments, including noise complaints, can be directed to the station’s comment line at 360-257-6665 orvia email at comments.NASWI@navy.mil.
All other questions can be directed to the public affairs office at 360-257-2286.