PORT ANGELES — School is out for Port Angeles School District students Friday while teachers and staff participate in a Building Collaborative Day.
This will be a work day for all teachers and most staff.
Drink and Draw
PORT ANGELES — Studio Bob will host its “Drink and Draw” today at 7:30 p.m.
A model will pose for three 20-minute sessions at The Loom upstairs at 118½ E. Front St. Doors open at 7 p.m.
Drawing supplies are available or bring your own.
Beer, wine and soft drinks will be avaliable for purchase.
Drink and Draw meets monthly on the Thursday before the art walk, which is on the second Saturday of each month.
Players hold tryouts
PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Community Players will hold tryouts at the community playhouse, 1235 E. Lauridsen Blvd., from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. today.
Tryouts will be for the classic Neil Simon comedy “The Odd Couple.”
Rehearsals will begin the week of Oct. 10.
Six men aged 30 to 60 and two women aged 20 to 30 are needed for the play, which will stage Nov. 18 through Dec. 4.
For more information, phone Dmitri Gerasimenko at 812-239-8952.