EAST JEFFERSON COUNTY — Visitors got a taste of local cuisine, farm style, as the second annual Jefferson Farm Tour got under way Sunday under clearing skies.
“It’s very vegetable-y,” said Gail Studeman of Oak Bay, as she sampled roasted garlic soup at Corona Farm.
The soup was made by Albert Mendez of Fresh Press, who also prepared carrot, black bean and French Provincial soups with vegetables fresh from the garden.
Apple cider, mashed potato garlic dip, a harvest casserole and mixed salad greens were also available for sampling, all made from local garden produce.
“The average distance my food travels is about a mile,” said Neil Harrington, who raises vegetables at Corona Farm to sell at the farmers market in Port Townsend.
Studeman came away with ideas for raising her own vegetables after making the tour of the farm’s raised beds.