Home Fund campaign sets all-time record: $248,367

Thank you!

Thank you!

Because of the generosity of our readers and organizations in Jefferson and Clallam counties, a record-breaking $248,367.35 was contributed to the Peninsula Daily News’ Peninsula Home Fund.

Thousands of dollars in last-minute contributions arrived last week.

The final total for the 2010 campaign from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve smashed the old record set Dec. 31, 2009, of $230,806.95

Among the final checks this week was a donation from Maryann McFarland of Port Angeles in the name of her and her husband and in honor of the Crestwood Convalescent Center.

It was “her final act of charity,” her daughter-in-law said, before Mrs. McFarland’s death Dec. 22 (see full entry in the donation listings below).

We also received an envelope with no return address, no donor information, that had $20 in cash.

Because the Peninsula Home Fund is down to pennies right now, a check will be given this week to OlyCAP — Olympic Community Action Programs, the No. 1 emergency care agency on the North Olympic Peninsula — so the money can begin helping our neighbors immediately.

OlyCAP manages the fund for the PDN, screens the applicants — and provides life-changing services to those who need a “hand up, not a handout.”

In the past 12 months, the Home Fund has assisted more than 3,272 individuals with a “hand up, not a handout.”

The books on the 2010 fund drive are now closed.

But the Peninsula Home Fund itself never closes.

Donations of any amount are always welcome.

They can be sent at any time to Peninsula Home Fund, Peninsula Daily News, P.O. Box 1330, Port Angeles, WA 98362.

Or, through this month, you can click on the Home Fund logo at www.peninsuladailynews.com.

New contributions will go toward the 2011 campaign.

All Peninsula Home Fund contributions are fully IRS tax-deductible.

And every dollar donated — 100 percent, every penny — goes directly to assist those in need in Jefferson and Clallam counties.

All costs are absorbed by Peninsula Daily News and OlyCAP.

Completing its 21th year, the Peninsula Home Fund is a safety net for residents in Jefferson and Clallam counties when they face economic or emotional emergency storms — and can’t find help elsewhere.

From Port Townsend to Forks, from Quilcene and Brinnon to LaPush, it’s a helping hand for children, teens, families and the elderly.

Every dollar goes for hot meals for seniors, warm winter coats for kids, necessary transportation, home repairs for the low income, needed prescription drugs, dental work, safe, drug-free temporary housing, eyeglasses — the list goes on and on.

One of the nonprofit program’s emphasis is on making sure no one falls through the cracks during the most demanding time of the year — winter.

In addition, all instances of help are designed to help get an individual or family back on the path to self-sufficiency.

OlyCAP’s Peninsula Home Fund case managers work with individuals or families to develop a plan to become financially stable — and avoid a recurrence of the emergency that prompted aid from the fund.

That’s the “hand up, not a handout” focus of the fund.

In addition to no money diverted for administration or other overhead, your personal information is kept confidential.

The PDN does not rent, sell, give or otherwise share your address or other information with anyone, or make any other use of it.

Assistance from the Home Fund is limited to one time in a 12-month period.

And, to get the maximum use of donations, money from the Home Fund is usually distributed in small amounts — usually no more than $150 — with contributions often used in conjunction with money from other agencies, enabling OlyCAP to stretch the value of the contribution.

To apply for a grant from the fund, phone OlyCAP at 360-452-4726 (Clallam County) or 360-385-2571 (Jefferson County).

There’s also an OlyCAP office in Forks — 360-374-6193.

If you have any questions about the fund, contact me — John Brewer, Peninsula Daily News publisher and editor — at 360-417-3500. Or e-mail john.brewer@peninsuladailynews.com.

2010 final contributions

The following are new contributions by cash, credit cards and checks dated as of Dec. 31 — thank you very much for making a difference in the lives — ­ and futures — of your neighbors:

• Jerry and Hazelle Hout, Port Angeles — $100.

• Tina, Pat and Trisha O’Hara, Port Angeles — $100. In memory of Daniel Holmquist.

• Jim and Sandy Reed, Sequim — $150. In memory of Warren Tansey.

• Margaret Jamison, Sequim — $100. In honor of Bud McCall.

• Dee and Sara Meek, Port Hadlock — $100. In memory of Herman Voss.

• Irene Gutienez, Port Townsend — $200.

• Jay and Paula Richter, Port Angeles — $200.

• Aview, Clallam Bay — $700. $50 each in honor of Douglas, Adam, John, Grace, Kamera, Tonya, Chris, Melissa, Ty, Ella, Marty, Bob, Sean and Heather.

• Edward Chadd, Port Angeles — $100.

• Wayne and Lois Bozarth, Port Angeles — $100. In honor of the Rodman families.

• Andy and Marilyn Rose, Port Angeles — $200. In loving memory of Maxine Manhas.

• Merle Broderick, Port Angeles — $50. In memory of C.A. Broderick.

• Rita Adragna, Sequim — $100. In memory of my dad.

• Randy and Naomi Riggins, Sequim — $500. In honor of Russ Veenema. “Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”

• Bonnie Robb, Lake Oswego, Ore. — $200. In honor my AMAZING FAMILY!

• NO Sangha, a Zen meditation group, Port Angeles — $1,460.

• Port Townsend School of Massage, Port Townsend — $500.

Many thanks also to these donors (who requested that the amount of their donation be kept private):

• Paula Cunningham, Port Angeles. In loving memory of my parents, Derek and Betty Cunningham.

• Al and Muriel Main, Port Angeles.

• Charles and Eycke Strickland, Port Angeles. In honor of Tutti Laabs.

• Levi and Maryann McFarland, Port Angeles. In honor of Crestwood Convalescent Center [Port Angeles].

A poignant note accompanied this donation:

To the staff of the PDN and Peninsula Home Fund:

I just wanted to drop a note to explain the donation and to give credit to a special lady!

My mother-in-law, Maryann McFarland, had been battling a severe respiratory illness since she was hospitalized in late October.

Thanks to the talented staff and skilled care she received at our hospital (OMH), she was moved to Crestwood to continue her recovery for 30 days before going home.

Their care, rehabilitation and therapy helped her to get strong enough to return home to her loving husband, Levi, on Dec. 7, where she was able to spend (what turned out to be) her final weeks in the comfortable surroundings of her own home.

She was preparing to return to Crestwood to continue physical therapy on an outpatient basis when her health took a sudden downward turn.

She was rehospitalized Dec. 19 and passed away the morning of Dec. 22.

We found this envelope (sealed, addressed and stamped) the day after she passed away.

Based on the date of the check, making this donation was the first thing she did when she got home from Crestwood — clearly a sign of her appreciation for their help.

Sadly, it was also her final act of charity. I just wanted to let you know a little about the people behind the contributions that go to help so many. (From Vicki Foote)

• Bill and Rae Childers, Port Angeles.

• Bart and Marielle Eykemans, Port Angeles. In honor of our parents.

• Mara and Paul Mowery, Port Angeles. In honor of Dr. Andi Thomson.

• Frank and Karen Jahns, Port Angeles.

• David and Jeanne Oldenkamp, Port Angeles.

• Paul and Paula Slyh, Sequim. In memory of loved ones.

• Iris F. Heston, Port Angeles. Honor the past and celebrate the future.

• Katherine Dunham, Sequim.

• William and Sharon Bugg, Sequim.

• Carol Clark, Port Angeles.

• Kathleen Cooper, Sequim.

• Amber HanMen, Port Angeles.

• Meridy Warder, Port Angeles. In memory of John and Betty Warder.

• Leon and Lindy Feigenbutz, Carlsborg.

• Herb and Donna Thompson, Port Angeles. In memory of Don Boyd.

• Katie Morgan Howe, Port Angeles. In honor of Tim P. Morgan’s 55th birthday.

• Katie Morgan Howe, Port Angeles. In honor of Kelly German’s birthday.

• Rita and Tom Thatcher, Sequim. In honor of Mr. Ron Allen of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe.

• Larry and Nancy Fox, Port Angeles. In honor of those in need.

• Rick and Margaret Yates, Port Angeles.

• Paul and Anne Weisel, Sequim.

• H.J. and D.M. Legg, Carlsborg.

• John and Marie Marrs, Port Angeles. In memory of Perry, Margie and Larry Brackett.

• Theresa Webster, Sequim.

• Lincoln Mueller, Forks.

• Floyd Thompson and Leona Brown, Port Townsend.

• Bill and Kathie Hennessey, Port Angeles.

• Linda Beasler, Port Angeles.

In memory of Jim (Papa) Beasler and Ellen (Nana) Ranta. From Linda and Darcy Beasler, Kathy, Travis and Joshua McFarland.

To honor Bette Kerrigan and Betsy Jacobs. From the Beaslers and the McFarlands and Izzy.

To honor Margaret Weed. From the Beaslers and McFarlands.

To honor my daughters, Darcy Beasler and Kathy McFarland. Love, your mom, Linda Beasler.

To honor Joe, Travis and Joshua McFarland. From Linda Beasler.

In memory of Maryann McFarland. From Linda and Darcy Beasler and Kathy McFarland.

• Mr. and Mrs. Terry Santos, Sequim. In honor of all our military fighting overseas.

• Paul and Donna Downes, Port Angeles.

• Donna R. McLendon, Port Angeles. In loving memory of my sister, Susan McFarland. You are truly missed.

• Joe and Renee Bleile, Sequim. In memory of Midge and Erv Wotasiak.

• John Collins and Carol Graves, Port Townsend.

• Michael and Elizabeth Smith, Sequim. In honor of case workers and volunteers.

• Art and Ruth Dewey, Sequim. In memory of Hucka.

• Bob and Dee Darst, Port Angeles.

• Gene and Norma Turner, Port Angeles. In memory of Betty Banard.

• Richard and Georgellen Haberman, Forks. In memory of Janet and Casidey Hunter.

• Barbara McCabe, Sequim.

• Dwayne and Nickolina Padgett, Sequim.

• Carol Anne Modena, Port Townsend. In memory of Dana Roberts.

• Francis and Ruth Welch, Port Angeles.

• Les and Georgia Mitchell, Port Angeles.

• Robert M. and Marybelle Brown Jr., Nordland.

• Dale and Nathalia Doran, Port Angeles. In memory of family and friends.

• Edith Christie, Port Angeles. In honor of Bill — severely challenged by life, he spends his days cleaning up after the socially challenged.

• Mark Stehly, Sequim.

• Leslie Campbell, Port Angeles.

• Phyllis Bentley, Sequim. In memory of Wallace Bentley.

• Melvin Sinton, Port Angeles.

• Gary and Carol Zellmer, Sequim.

Many thanks also to these donors (who requested anonymity):

• Port Angeles — $50.

• Sequim — $150.

• Port Angeles — $100. In memory of Bill Babcock.

• Sequim — $50.

• Port Angeles — $100.

• Port Angeles — $100.

• Sequim — $100.

• Port Angeles — $200.

• Forks — $100.

• Port Angeles — $25. In gratitude for those who help at Eden Valley Ranch.

• Port Angeles — $300.

• Port Angeles — $40.

• Port Townsend — $100.

• Port Townsend — $25.

• Sequim — $50.

• Port Angeles — $30.

• Sequim — $100.

• Sequim — $10.

• Sequim — $500. In memory of Todd and Michael Rhein.

• Port Angeles — $100.

• Sequim — $50. In memory of Diane Demorest.

• Sequim — $50. In memory of Roy Robinson.

• Port Angeles — $700.

• Port Angeles — $1,000.

• Sequim — $20.

• Port Angeles — $100.

• Sequim — $200.

• Carlsborg — $100.

• Port Hadlock — $100.

• Port Angeles — $50.

• Sequim — $150.

• Port Angeles — $100.

• Port Angeles — $100.

• Port Angeles — $100.

• Port Angeles — $100.

• Sequim — $100.

• Sequim — $3,000.

• Port Angeles $100.

• Port Angeles — $100.

• Port Ludlow — $500. In memory of Jim Welle.

• Sequim — $50.

• Sequim — $300. In memory of our fathers: Edward and Robert. Both loved to fly. Both served this country proudly and honorably. Both are missed and thought of every day.

• Sequim — $1,000.

• Unknown, no information included with cash donation of $20.

• Sequim — $100.

• Port Angeles — $50.


HANDWRITING CAN BE hard to decipher at times.

Please report any errors in this list to John Brewer, 360-417-3500 (there’s voicemail if he’s away) — or e-mail him at john.brewer@peninsuladailynews.com.

We’ll rerun the listing correctly.

Our sincerest appreciation again to our donors.

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