Hoh River Trust topic of talk tonight in Port Townsend

The Jefferson Land Trust Natural History Society will sponsor a presentation on the history and stewardship efforts.

PORT TOWNSEND — The Jefferson Land Trust Natural History Society will sponsor a presentation on the history and stewardship efforts of the Hoh River Trust at Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 7 p.m. today.

The program will be in the sanctuary hall, 2333 San Juan Ave.

It is free and open to the public, although a $5 donation is suggested.

Obtain, manage lands

Mike Hagen will explain that the trust was formed to obtain and manage lands along the Hoh between Olympic National Park and the Pacific Ocean.

Of the roughly 250,000 rivers across the continental U.S., the Hoh is one of the most unspoiled, he said.

The river corridor contains what many consider the world’s richest old-growth and temperate rain forest.

These ecosystems provide habitat for endangered and threatened species including marbled murrelet, spotted owl and bull trout, along with diverse other wildlife, such as elk, black bear and cougar.

The river itself supports native salmon and steelhead runs.

Within the lower reaches of the river, 30 miles beyond the Olympic National Park boundary, some 10,000 acres encompassing a mile on either side of the river are designated “at risk.”

Vitality, resilience

Restoring the vitality and resilience of these lands for the benefit of fish, wildlife and humans is the mission of the trust.

In its 12-year history, the trust has acquired nearly 7,000 acres.

For more information, email Noreen Parks at Noreen.parks@gmail.com.

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