IT MUST JUST be a miscellaneous time of year.
It darn sure doesn’t fell like summer, ad I’m told it isn’t winter, so I guess we’re in the space in-between, but if it interests you, it interests me, so here we go:
Remember that I mentioned that it’s not too late to get your piece of the “economic stimulus” pie?
Well, apparently, the IRS folks read this column, too, because they’re in the process of sending letters to 130 million of their closest friends reminding them of that happy fact.
And if you rely mainly on Social Security or Veterans Administration income, you’re likely eligible.
Of course, this also brings the Bad Guys out from under their rocks, so remember this — the IRS will not go door-to-door or call you or ask for credit card information because they’re too cheap.
So, if somebody does, run!
Call IRS, if you’re gutsy enough, at 866-234-2942 or go to the National Council on Aging Web site at
âñ Speaking of the Bad Guys, some folks have reported receiving calls from someone claiming to have an improved Medicare plan.
They say that they have your routing number, so all they need is for you to verify personal information, like Social Security number — bogus!
And, if you hesitate, they threaten to “suspend” your Medicare for 90 days!
Think about it — why would Medicare want your Social Security number? They already have it!
Never give that kind of info to anybody on the phone, and if they threaten you, threaten them back.
How about some Good Guys?
âñ The Washington Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society provides limited support to folks with MS who can’t afford FDA-approved, disease-modifying therapies.
You can call 800-344-4867.
âñ And the American Cancer Society offers its Health Insurance Assistance Service, which will help underinsured cancer patients find affordable health insurance.
You can call 800-227-2345, in English or Spanish, or go to docroot/home/index.asp and type in your ZIP code.
âñ Soldiers Project Northwest is a group of Washington state mental health providers who offer free, confidential help to veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan and their families.
Sometimes, these vets can’t or aren’t real comfortable going through channels, so here’s another way to get the help they deserve.
All providers are licensed and insured.
Interested? Call 206-290-1035, or e-mail soldiers or go to
Yes, you do deserve it.
âñ Heads up!
Through what I suspect is a ghastly administrative oversight, Medicare is about to use one contractor to handle both Medicare Part A and Part B!
Yes, National Heritage Insurance Corp. will be doing it all for Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska.
A single point of contact for A and B! I know ¬– I can’t believe it, either, but it’s supposed to be fully implemented by Dec. 31.
Contact info isn’t available yet, but if you enjoy reading press releases, go to
If you don’t, don’t.
And the question was, what do I do in my spare time?
Read press releases.
Mark Harvey is director of Clallam/Jefferson Senior Information & Assistance, which operates through the Olympic Area Agency on Aging. He is also a member of the CARE (Community Advocates for Rural Elders) partnership. He can be reached at 360-452-3221 (Port Angeles-Sequim), 360-385-2552 (Jefferson County) or 360-374-9496 (West End), or by e-mailing harvemb@