Several boards and commissions will meet across the Peninsula next week.
Clallam County commissioners
The three Clallam County commissioners will hear a resolution to initiate a resurfacing project during their meeting on Tuesday.
Their Monday work session has been canceled due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
The commissioners’ meeting will start at 10 a.m. Tuesday.
The hybrid meetings are in the county commissioners meeting room in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
The meetings can be viewed online at https://clallamcowa.portal.civic
To participate via Zoom video, visit
To listen only, call 253-215-8782 then enter meeting ID 875 561 7844 and passcode 12345.
Agenda items include:
• Appointing Cheri Tinker to the Peninsula Housing Authority Board.
• Appointing and reappointing Cindy Kelly, Julie Mowbray and Kari Martinez-Bailey to the Fair Advisory Board.
• Appointing Chris Burns and Robert Knapp and reappointing Mary Sue Brancato to the Marine Resources Committee.
• Call for requests for proposals to be received no later than 3 p.m. March 3 for Homelessness Program Funding.
• An agreement with the state Department of Commerce through the Office of Crime Victims Community Services Division for STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant.
• An agreement with the state Department of Ecology for local solid waste and financial assistance.
• A purchase order for ESRI Enterprise for technology software and maintenance.
The meeting agendas are posted at
Public comment may be sent to
Other Clallam County meetings:
Meeting agendas are posted at https://clallam
• The Clallam County Board of Health will meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.
The hybrid meeting will be in the county commissioners’ meeting room in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
The meeting can be viewed online at
To join the meeting online, visit
To listen only, call 253-2125-8782 then enter meeting ID 935 7343 5754 and passcode 095863.
• The Solid Waste Advisory Committee will meet at 3 p.m. Wednesday.
The hybrid meeting will be in room 160 at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
To join the meeting online, visit or call 1-253-215-8782, then enter meeting ID 839-6528-6109 and passcode 12345.
• The Fair Advisory Board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.
The hybrid meeting will be in the Expo Building at the Clallam County Fairgrounds, 1608 W. 16th St., Port Angeles.
To join the meeting online, visit
To listen only, call 253-215-8782 then enter meeting ID 871 5545 6038 and passcode 12345.
• The Clallam County Finance Committee will meet at 9 a.m. Thursday.
The hybrid meeting will be in the county commissioners’ meeting room in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
To join the online meeting, visit
To listen only, call 253-215-8782 then enter meeting ID 875 5617844 and passcode 12345.
• The Sheriff’s Citizen Advisory Committee will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday.
Jefferson County commissioners
The three Jefferson County commissioners will meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday.
The hybrid meeting will be at the commissioners’ chambers in the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend.
To join the meeting online, go to
To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter access code 937-7784-1705#.
Public comments emailed to will be included in the minutes but no longer read aloud during the meeting; comments may still be made via Zoom or telephone.
The full agenda is expected to be posted at by following the link under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.”
Other Jefferson County meetings:
• The North Pacific Coast Marine Resources Committee will meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday.
The hybrid meeting will be at Peninsula College’s Forks campus, 481 S. Forks Ave., Forks.
To join the meeting online, visit
To listen only, call 253-215-8782 then enter meeting ID 817 4396 3023.
• The Budget Committee will conduct a special meeting at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.
The hybrid meeting will be in the county commissioners’ chambers in the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend.
To join the meeting online, visit
To listen only, call 252-215-8782 then enter meeting ID 889 9382 0886.
• The Housing Fund Board will meet at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday.
The hybrid meeting will be in the county commissioners’ chambers in the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend.
To join the meeting online, visit
• The Jefferson County Solid Waste Advisory Committee will meet at 3 p.m. Thursday.
The hybrid meeting will be in the Public Works offices, 623 Sheridan St., Port Townsend.
To join the meeting online, visit, or call 253-215-8782, then enter meeting ID 935 9574 9934 and passcode 499738.
Jefferson County Public Utility District
Jefferson County Public Utility District commissioners will meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday.
The commissioners also will meet in executive session to discuss the performance of a public employee at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
The hybrid meetings will be in the PUD offices at 310 Four Corners Road, Port Townsend.
To join the meetings online, visit or call 833-548-0282 with meeting ID 4359992575#.
The agendas are expected to be posted at
Chimacum School Board
The Chimacum School Board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.
The board will meet in the library of the Junior/Senior High School, 91 West Valley Road, Chimacum.
The meeting agenda is expected to be posted at
Port Angeles schools
The Port Angeles School Board meet at 5 p.m. Thursday.
The board will meet at Lincoln Center, 905 W. Ninth St., Port Angeles.
The meeting agenda is expected to be posted at
Jefferson Healthcare
Jefferson Healthcare commissioners will meet at 2 p.m. Wednesday.
The hybrid meeting will be in the executive conference room at Jefferson Healthcare, 834 Sheridan St., Port Townsend.
To listen only, dial 509-598-2842. The conference ID number is 613756871#.
The full agenda is expected to be posted at
Water District #1
Jefferson County Water District #1 will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.
The district will meet in the Paradise Bay Community Club, 141 W. Alder St., Port Ludlow.
Water District #1 serves Paradise Bay.