EYE ON PENINSULA: Clallam commissioners to discuss discrimination

Jefferson officials to consider Phase 3 application

Clallam County

County commission

Clallam County commissioners will discuss institutional discrimination and a proposed statement of values at 9 a.m. Monday.

The work session can be viewed at www.clallam.net/features/meetings.html.

Commissioner Mark Ozias drafted a statement of values and action plan in response to nationwide unrest following George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, Minn.

“The Clallam County commissioners wish to acknowledge the call to action that hundreds of thousands of people have been making at protests, marches and vigils throughout the country and across Clallam County to address institutional racism and discrimination,” the proposed statement reads.

“We recognize that Clallam County government is an institution and commit to working with other elected officials and staff members from throughout county government and county residents to re-double our efforts to ensure that Clallam County government does not practice, condone or support discrimination of any kind.”

Other agenda items for the work session include:

• A revised COVID-19 declaration of emergency for the Phase 2 reopening plan in Clallam County.

• A call for bids for the Third Street county building HVAC replacement project.

• An agreement with Green Alliance for Veterans Education for the use of a portion of Robin Hill Farm for agricultural purposes.

• A resolution closing a District Court imprest fund.

• An amended agreement with Olympic National Forest to reimburse the Sheriff’s Office Chain Gang for work projects.

• A contract amendment with the State Patrol for a full-time Olympic Peninsula Narcotics Enforcement Team detective.

• A presentation on an information technology strategic plan.

• A grant application for a Shoreline Master Program periodic review.

• An amended agreement with Shannon and Wilson, Inc. for the Lower Dungeness floodplain restoration project.

• An amended agreement with the state Department of Ecology to move funds between budget categories and details for planned work in response to COVID-19.

• Notice of a July 14 hearing for a mid-year budget review.

• A 1 p.m. quarterly income report from the state Department of Natural Resources.

• A 3 p.m. discussion on CARES Act priorities.

Commissioners will hold their regular business meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

Action items include:

• An agreement with Office of Crime Victims Advocacy Community Services and Housing Division for the victim/witness assistance grant program.

• A sewer easement purchase agreement for the Carlsborg sewer extension.

• An agreement with Laurel Black Design to create a public outreach campaign to support Clallam County’s Phase 2 business openings.

• An agreement with Clallam Conservation District for a pollution identification and correction grant.

• An amended agreement with Olympic Community Action Programs for operation of a COVID-19 recovery facility.

• A call for bids for a Clallam County jail kitchen grease interceptor project and kitchen exhaust improvements.

• A call for bids for Dry Creek Road utility relocation.

• A resolution appointing Erik Rohrer, William Biery and Steve Gray to the Trails Advisory Committee.

• A resolution appointing John Viada to the Civil Service Commission.

• A resolution appointing Gordon Gibbs to the Board of Equalization.

• A resolution appointing Jon Cash to the Crescent Community Advisory Council.

• A resolution appointing Cheri Tinker to the Peninsula Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.

• A resolution appointing Karin Ashton to the Clallam Bay/Sekiu Sewer Advisory Committee.

• A resolution appointing Carol Johnson to the Fair Advisory Board.

• Notice that a budget reduction will be adopted June 30.

• Notice that supplemental appropriations will be adopted June 30.

• A call for June 30 hearing for debatable budget emergencies.

Board of Health

The Clallam County Board of Health will hear a health officer’s update on COVID-19 and request for a modified Phase 2 variance at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The meeting can be viewed at www.clallam.net/features/meetings.html.

Other agenda items include a board discussion on CARES Act, a public health messaging campaign and masking during the coronavirus pandemic.

Port Angeles city

The Port Angeles City Council will discuss COVID-19 planning at 6 p.m. Tuesday.

For viewing options, visit the city’s website at www.cityofpa.us.

Action items for council consideration include:

• A public hearing on a proposed 2021-2026 capital facility and transportation plan.

• A buying agreement with the city of Seattle.

• An ordinance on broadened acceptance criteria for the maintenance and operation of extensions to city water and wastewater mains.

• A resolution to waive third-quarter Parking and Business Improvement Area (PBIA) fees and interest on accounts receivable.

• Acceptance of a federal grant for Race Street improvements.

• A chip seal contract.

Olympic Medical Center

Olympic Medical Center commissioners will consider a wound clinic remodel when they meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

To join the meeting, call 360-417-8444. The conference ID is 957805#.

Commissioners also will consider a union agreement and a Sequim network build out.

Clallam Transit

Clallam Transit board members will consider action on an electronic funds transfer policy and election of a vice-chair when it meets at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

The public can join the meeting by calling 253-215-8782. The meeting ID is 878-6363-1401; hit # for the password.

Peninsula Housing Authority

The Peninsula Housing Authority board will hear an update on the progress of Cedar Glen II at 1 p.m. Wednesday.

For viewing options, click on www.tinyurl.com/PDN-PHAmeet.

Meeting ID is 854 6668 7287 and the password is 300004.

Other agenda items include a grant amendment.

Sequim schools

The Sequim School Board will consider a state schools reopening planning guide when it meets at 6 p.m. Monday.

To join the Microsoft Teams meeting, go to www.tinyurl.com/PDN-sequimschoolsjune15 for the link or call 360-775-2372 with ID 465-908-519#.

Written public comment will be accepted up to 5:30 p.m. at tnorman@sequimschools.org.

The board also will consider approving school improvement plans, curriculum for high school math and middle school English language arts and first readings of proposed policies on federal programs.

Fire District 2

Clallam County Fire District 2 commissioners will consider an increase of the payroll account balance when they meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.

To join the meeting, call 253-215-8782. The meeting ID is 821 7512 0190. The password is 889870.

Clallam Fire District 3

Clallam County Fire District No. 3 commissioners will hold a virtual meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesday.

For viewing options, click on the district’s website at www.ccfd3.org.

The district covers the east side of Clallam County with a small portion in Jefferson County.

Jefferson County

County commission

The three Jefferson County commissioners will discuss the process and timing for a Phase 3 application when they meet at 9 a.m. Monday.

To view this meeting live go to www.co.jefferson.wa.us and follow the links under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.” To listen by phone, call 1-571-317-3122 and enter access code 448-961-589#. Written public comments can be emailed to publiccomments@co. jefferson.wa.us before 9 a.m.

At 10:45 a.m., commissioners will hear a report on first quarter income from the state Department of Natural Resources.

At 1:30 p.m., commissioners will be briefed on COVID-19 recovery coordination.

At 2:30 p.m., they will recess into executive session to discuss actual litigation.

Items on the consent agenda include several hotel-motel fund grants.

Board of Health

The Jefferson County Board of Health will discuss applying for a Phase 3 variance and racism as a public health issue when it meets at 2:30 p.m. Thursday.

To view this meeting live go to www.co.jefferson.wa.us and follow the links under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.” To listen, call 1-786-535-3211 and enter access code 392-970-477.

Joint meeting

Officials with Jefferson County, City of Port Townsend, Port of Port Townsend and Jefferson County Public Utility District will gather in a special meeting to discuss an interlocal agreement on COVID-19 recovery at 5 p.m. Wednesday.

Details about the agenda and how the public will access the meeting were not available Saturday.

Public Utility District

Jefferson County Public Utility District commissioners will discuss a proposed interlocal agreement with other agencies regarding recovery from closures due to COVID-19 precautions when they meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday.

A special meeting for an executive session to consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate will be at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.

To join the meeting, go to jeffpud.my.webex.com/meet/JPUD and follow the instructions to login and join. Meetings will open for remote logins 10 minutes before they begin. Members of the public also can call 408-418-9388 or 360-379-5833; the access code is 628 345 788 then #. Hit # again if prompted for an additional id number.

Port Townsend city

The Port Townsend City Council will consider waiving utility late fees and penalties until Aug. 31 when it meets at 6:30 p.m. Monday.

To join the meeting, go to joinwebinar.com and enter webinar ID 578-066-435. To listen by phone, call 1-914- 614-3221 with access code 942-105-283#. The livestreaming link is cityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendas minutesvideos.

Written public comment can be emailed to public comment@cityofpt.us.

The council also will consider seeking proposals for a lease for the Port Townsend Golf Course, deferring Homeward Bound’s first loan payment until Oct. 1, adopting guiding principles for spending Coronavirus Relief Funds and designating an agent for federal emergency or disaster assistance

Jefferson Transit

Jefferson Transit board members will consider policy updates when they meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.

To listen to the meeting live, call 1-872-240-3311 and enter access code 406-763-685.

Polices regard disadvantaged business enterprise, ADA and equal employment opportunity. The board also will hear an update on the drug and alcohol policy.

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