EYE ON OLYMPIA: Van De Wege opposes bill that would save museums: bad timing

OLYMPIA — A North Olympic Peninsula lawmaker says he opposes legislation that would attempt to save three museums and create a new overarching state arts and culture department.

The bill would keep the museums — in Tacoma, Spokane and Olympia — open during the next two-year budget cycle by transferring $8 million slated for the state’s Heritage project, according to The News Tribune of Tacoma.

That project would move the State Library from Tumwater to the Capitol Campus and include archival and historical exhibits, the newspaper said.

Rep. Kevin Van De Wege, D-Sequim, said he supports transferring money from the Heritage fund to the museums on a “short-term basis,” noting the state doesn’t need to build new museums when its facing a $5.3 billion shortfall.

But he added he is concerned that House Bill 2033 would make the transfer too permanent.

“As far as this goes, we can take it two years at a time,” said Van De Wege, who co-chairs the state Legislature’s Heritage Caucus.

Van De Wege said he also opposes the bill’s attempt to consolidate the state’s Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation and Arts Commission into a new agency, the Department of Heritage, Arts and Culture.

“It’s my opinion that these agencies should remain separate,” he said, adding that consolidation doesn’t always save the state money.

Rep. Jeannie Darneille, D-Tacoma, introduced the bill Wednesday. It is scheduled to have a public hearing in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs on Thursday.

Van De Wege represents the 24th District, which includes Clallam and Jefferson counties and a portion of Grays Harbor County, along with Rep. Steve Tharinger, D-Sequim, and Sen. Jim Hargrove, D-Hoquiam.

Here’s how they voted last week:

■ House Bill 1175, appropriating funds for the 2011-2013 transportation budget.

The bill passed the House 89-6 Friday; Van De Wege and Tharinger voted yes.

■ Senate Bill 5124, requiring all counties to vote by mail.

The bill passed the House 52-43 Friday; Van De Wege and Tharinger 
voted yes.

■ Senate Bill 5747, authorizes the state Horse Racing Commission to make payments to nonprofit race meets.

The bill passed the House 93-2 Friday; Van De Wege and Tharinger 
voted yes.

■ Senate Bill 5157, authorizes foreign trade zones outside port districts.

The bill passed 91-4; Van De Wege and Tharinger voted yes.

■ Senate Bill 5005, requires that a parent who wants his or her child to be exempt from immunizations at schools must have a note from a health care practitioner that the parent has been notified of the medical benefits and risks.

The bill passed the House 66-29 Friday; Van De Wege and Tharinger voted yes.

■ House Bill 1544, reduces eligibility for the state’s Basic Health Plan to foster parents with an income 300 percent of the federal poverty level and those eligible for a federal Medicaid waiver.

The bill passed the Senate on Wednesday 45-2; Hargrove voted yes.

■ Senate Joint Memorial 8008, requesting federal unemployment tax relief.

The bill passed the Senate 47-0 on Wednesday; Hargrove voted yes.

■ Senate Bill 5128, creates an ad hoc planning committee to develop a long-range statewide transportation plan.

The bill passed the Senate 41-7 Friday; Hargrove voted yes.

■ House Bill 1129, requiring a bicycle and pedestrian traffic safety curriculum in certain traffic schools.

The bill passed the Senate 46-1 Wednesday; Hargrove voted yes.

■ House Bill 1846, creating the aerospace training loan program.

The bill passed the Senate 47-0 Wednesday; Hargrove voted yes.

■ House Bill 1357, expands use of electronic tax reporting.

The bill passed the Senate 34-13 Wednesday; Hargrove voted yes.

■ House Bill 1347, limits sales and tax exemptions to machine manufacturing and equipment used for research and development by universities.

The bill passed the House 47-0 Wednesday; Hargrove voted yes.

■ House Bill 1247, removes minimum staffing requirements for most community transition facilities.

The bill passed the Senate 46-2 Friday; Hargrove voted yes.

■ House Bill 1489, limits the use of fertilizer containing phosphorus.

The bill passed the Senate 32-16 Friday; Hargrove voted yes.

■ Senate Bill 5167, making technical corrections to tax statutes.

The bill passed the Senate 46-1 Wednesday; Hargrove voted yes.


Reporter Tom Callis can be reached at 360-417-3532 or at tom.callis@peninsuladailynews.com.

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