EYE ON CLALLAM: Board to consider spending on homeless

The three Clallam County commissioners will consider a resolution authorizing an expenditure from general fund reserves to the Homelessness Task Force fund Tuesday.

The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. in the commissioners’ boardroom (160) at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

Commissioners this year are considering ways to spend down a portion of excess reserves in ways that help the community.

Other agenda items include:

â–  A resolution restoring a 40-hour workweek for union employees beginning May 1.

â–  A resolution authorizing a temporary change in service hours for county facilities.

â–  A contract amendment with the state Department of Social and Health Services adding contract language.

â–  An agreement with the University of Washington School of Oceanography Marine Chemistry Lab for a pollution identification and correction implementation project.

■ An agreement with the Clallam Conservation District to implement the Clean Water District’s pollution identification and correction implementation project.

â–  An agreement with the state Department of Transportation for repaving, restriping and shoulder work on LaPush Road.

â–  A resolution appointing a member to the Clallam County Board of Equalization.

â–  A resolution confirming the appointment of an interim Port Angeles city representative to the Opportunity Fund Board.

â–  Notice of a May 12 hearing on a proposed ordinance amending county code for sales or use tax.

Commissioners will meet at 9 a.m. Monday for their weekly work session.

In addition to the above action items, commissioners will discuss recommendations for funding from the Chemical Dependency/Mental Health Program Fund Advisory Board and board operating guidelines.

Clallam PUD

Clallam County Public Utility District commissioners will tour the district’s facilities construction projects Monday.

They will depart at 1:30 p.m. from the Port Angeles main office, 2431 E. U.S. Highway 101, Port Angeles.

Sequim City Council

Sequim City Council members will consider approving a resolution for a citywide metropolitan park district while offering help to the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center, also known as SARC, on Monday.

They will meet at 5 p.m. at the Sequim Transit Center, 190 W. Cedar St.

The city metropolitan park district would be on the February 2016 ballot.

The proposed resolution says the city would work with SARC to find short-term solutions to fund the organization through 2017 and encourages SARC to place a one-year levy on the ballot this November for short-term operational funding.

SARC is slated to run out of operating funds by December 2016.

Volunteers have gathered signatures on a petition to have a SARC metropolitan park district on the Aug. 4 ballot this year.

Port of Port Angeles

The three commissioners of the Port of Port Angeles will meet at 9 a.m. in the port’s headquarters, 338 W. First St., Port Angeles.

Agenda items include a follow-up from the Port Angeles Boat Haven Advisory Committee, Community Partner Program grant applications, a presentation on stormwater improvements and the port’s participation in the Clallam County Economic Development Council.

Delayed for at least two weeks is a progress report on passenger airlines’ interest in flying between William R. Fairchild International Airport and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

The postponement will allow port staff to process letters of support for air service from public and private agencies across Clallam County, according to Jerry Ludke, port airport and marina manager.

Economic Development Council

Clallam County Economic Development Council members will hear an update on William R. Fairchild International Airport and nearby Lincoln Park trees that obstruct the facility’s runway when they meet Thursday.

The meeting will be at 10:15 a.m. in Room 208 of the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center, 905 W. Ninth St. in Port Angeles.

The airport and Lincoln Park trees agenda item will be presented by Ken O’Hollaren, Port of Port Angeles executive director, and Ludke, the port’s airport and marina manager.

EDC board members also will hear a report from EDC Executive Director Bill Greenwood.

Opportunity Fund board

The Clallam County Opportunity Fund Advisory Board will meet at 10:15 a.m. Monday in Room 208 of the Lincoln Center, 905 W. Ninth St., Port Angeles.

The board will hear a city of Port Angeles presentation and request for $285,000 for phase two of the Waterfront Transportation Improvement Plan.

It then will make a recommendation to Clallam County commissioners.

Phase two will add a park, turnaround and docks to the waterfront esplanade along Railroad Avenue and Front Street, including extending the Waterfront Trail segment of the Olympic Discovery Trail to Valley Creek.

Pocket beaches were completed last fall and will be accessible once the park is complete, said Nathan West, city community and economic development director.

Primo Construction of Carlsborg won the contract to develop the park. Bruch and Bruch Construction Inc. of Port Angeles developed the beaches.

The entire project is estimated to cost $17 million, West said.

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