County treasurer to discuss ‘real problem’ today

The focus will be on financial operations and security policy, changes to veterans assistance policy and budgeting and spending processes.

PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Finance Committee reviewed fiscal policy and discussed risks associated with undocumented disbursements in a special meeting last week.

The county treasurer said she will discuss the “real problem” today.

Much of the conversation Thursday centered on process and the distinction between commissioner-approved spending and warrant approval.

“Just because there’s a contract doesn’t mean that that’s approval for me to send money out of the treasury,” said county Treasurer Selinda Barkhuis, finance committee chairwoman.

Barkhuis called the meeting to discuss financial system operations and security policy, proposed changes to veterans assistance policy and to take the “first steps” to review the county’s budgeting and spending processes.

The second-term treasurer and licensed attorney said the current spending process is “full of peril.”

“From my perspective, there are situations being created that are causing weaknesses in the system,” Barkhuis told the finance committee.

“I really don’t think there’s ultimately a whole lot wrong with the county policies. It is how they’re being interpreted and how they’re being avoided.”

Barkhuis said she would begin to discuss the “real problem” at the commissioners’ work session today.

The work session will begin at 9 a.m. in Room 160 at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

Commissioner meetings are streamed live and archived on the county website,

Barkhuis complained that County Administrator Jim Jones failed to produce wire instructions he possessed for a commissioner-approved expenditure to the federal government in June.

She said she needed the wire instructions to produce a paper trail, which includes an auditor-attested voucher and warrant.

Barkhuis said she found a July 19 email indicating the wire instructions had been sent to Jones on June 20.

“We spent a lot of time and effort trying to get those wire instructions,” Barkhuis told Jones.

“I really would like to know why that wasn’t forwarded when you got it, Jim? I mean, you had them on June 20. … You knew we were looking for them.”

Jones said he, too, had been looking for the wire instructions.

“The only answer I can give you is that I am not perfect,” Jones said.

“I get 500 to 600 email a days. I look through them. I try and get things done on time.”

Jones said he was as “surprised as anybody” when he learned that the wire instructions had arrived.

“My mistake,” Jones said. “It was certainly not an intentional act.”

Barkhuis also questioned Jones’ authority to approve emergency warrants and the need for budget emergencies like the recent $518,000 settlement with Scott and Elizabeth Lange.

Clallam County acquired beach-access property in Clallam Bay while settling Public Records Act litigation with the Langes in July.

Barkhuis said a 60-day deadline that triggered the budget emergency was imposed by the county itself.

“I verified that,” Barkhuis said. “The only reason we had this 60-day window was because the county requested it.”

Jones countered that the Langes wanted the county to purchase their neighbors’ property within 30 days and the county negotiated for 60 days.

“Yeah, I had lunch with Mr. Lange,” Barkhuis said.

“I had this discussion, so I know how this went. There was no reason for any of this.”

Barkhuis said needless budget emergencies have created “weak links” in the system.

By statute, the treasurer is responsible for public money that leaves her office, she said.

“There’s all these attempts to weaken the links, and I am very concerned about that,” Barkhuis said.

Jones said his only role in approving budget emergencies is to acknowledge that commissioners have OK’d the spending and that the auditor has verified the warrant.

Clallam County issued warrants prior to commissioner approval before Jones became the administrator 10 years ago, he said.

“There’s two different procedures,” Jones said of the current practice.

“And I’ll tell you most counties don’t do double procedures. We do.”

The voting members of the finance committee took no formal action at the special meeting.

Barkhuis and county Auditor Shoona Riggs agreed to work together to recommend policy revisions for expedited warrants to the board of county commissioners.

“What I’m just looking for is proper documentation,” Barkhius said.

“I need the documentation, because if there’s ever any question with why money left the treasury and I don’t have the documentation, it is my personal debt. That keeps me up at night.”

Earlier in the meeting, the finance committee reviewed proposed changes to county veterans assistance policy.

Barkhuis said was “very happy” to see some of the changes but stopped short of endorsing the proposal, citing a political element that “belongs in the commissioners’ office decision-making.”

“I just want to note that there’s going to be a lot more people qualifying (for veterans benefits), so deciding who gets what, especially with all this discretion that is in here now, it would be hard to be consistent,” Barkhuis said.

“But that is something that’s up to the commissioners, and it’s up to the (Clallam County) Veterans Association.”

Commissioners on Tuesday are expected to call for an Oct. 18 public hearing on the veterans assistance policy amendments.

“I would be happy to show up to the public hearing and say I have no objections to this,” Barkhuis told Commissioner Mark Ozias, who had sought a finance committee recommendation. “That I can do.”

Barkhuis said she appreciated the work that had gone into the proposal.

Ozias said: “It is meaningful for the veterans and for the community to know that this group has looked at the policy and has no objections.

“Even if I can just say that, then I’m happy.”


Reporter Rob Ollikainen can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 56450, or at

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