PORT ANGELES — It’s time for “Plan D.”
Three attempts to get Jackson Creek flowing again haven’t worked, so state engineers and local contractors will meet today to discuss a plan to drill into the backed-up culvert, which is supposed to channel creek water under U.S. Highway 101 six miles west of the city.
Heavy rainfall Dec. 15 and Dec. 16 washed debris into the culvert, clogging the pipe and creating a 30-foot-deep pool beside the highway.
State Department of Transportation Project Engineer Jerry Moore said the pool is a danger to the road base, so the water is being pumped out of the recently formed reservoir.
“The main thing is we saved the fill,” he said. “The road isn’t going to wash out.”
The rest of this story appears in today’s Peninsula Daily News Clallam County edition. Click on “Subscribe” to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.