SHINE – The Hood Canal Bridge will remain open this week.
Contractor crews working on the center lock mechanism completed the reinstallation of the bridge’s pyramid early Sunday morning. That means the closures scheduled for 11 p.m. each night Monday through Wednesday are no longer needed. Instead, the bridge will operate as normal. The span will remain open to traffic, subject to typical closures for marine vessels.
Night work on the bridge will resume Tuesday, June 6, for a lighting improvement project. The bridge will close to traffic 11 p.m. June 6-8 and reopen at 4 a.m. each following day.
Emergency services will have access to the bridge during these closures.
Construction for the center lock project will resume at 10 p.m. Saturday, June 10. The bridge will be closed to all traffic until 10 a.m. Sunday, June 11.
The full schedule of night work is available on the project webpage.
Real-time news on state Highway 104 Hood Canal Bridge closures is available on, the WSDOT app and the WSDOT regional Twitter feed.