FORKS — The Forks Relay For Life will begin at 3 p.m. today at Forks High School in an around-the-clock fundraiser that will test participants’ ability to stay awake, walk repeated laps and offer participants a variety of fun.
A “Twilight” theme was adopted for this year’s relay, including the unique opportunity for Twilight fans to get their blood sucked in Forks — not by a vampire, but by the mobile blood bank, according to the Forks Relay For Life website.
Organizers introduced the “Twilight Challenge,” which invites Twilight fans from around the country to form paired challenge teams, such as “Team Jacob vs. Team Edward” or “Vampires vs. Werewolves.”
All proceeds, which will end at 3 p.m. Saturday, will be donated to the American Cancer Society for research.
Ten teams — with a total of 67 members — are registered for the event.
By Thursday, teams had raised more than $13,000 and hope to bring in more this weekend to help fight cancer.
Last year, teams had raised $17,000 leading into the 24-hour event.
Teams put up and decorate tents, where they offer food, craft sales, contests and other activities to raise additional funds for cancer research.
Luminarias will be lit in memory of those who have battled cancer and lost and in celebration of those who emerged from the battle victorious.
The Sequim Relay for Life will be next weekend at the Sequim High School track.
Port Angeles and Port Townsend relays were held earlier this year.
Reporter Arwyn Rice can be reached at 360-417-3535 or at