FORKS — A variety of landscaping can be seen in the six gardens on the Bogachiel Garden Club’s “Flowers Amid the Forest” Garden Tour from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday.
Tickets are $7 and are available at Forks Outfitters, Moody’s Nursery and the Forks Timber Museum. Children 12 and younger are admitted free.
Locations will be made available with the purchase of a ticket.
Tour sites are:
■ A “mini-estate,” with a broad sweep of lawn and a variety of plantings.
■ A second “mini-estate” featuring lupine, iris, gladiolas and a variety of grasses and ground covers, along with a garden lightly shaded by a recycled satellite dish pergola and a patio with a pond.
■ A habitat created for birds, with birdhouses, feeding stations, a sedum garden and a rock collection.
■ Landscaping with a waterfall, pond and memorial garden, along with a fire pit and large metal spools used for protection from deer and elk.
■ A garden that incorporates native plants with arbors and has two decks, loads of potted plants, moss baskets and a moss-stuffed baby carriage.
■ An organic vegetable garden operated by a certified organic gardener who donates his time and expertise to this community garden as well as to teaching classes.