This weekend in Port Angeles

Port Angeles


Disability awareness — Disability Awareness Day recognized in and around the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Manual wheelchairs issued to people who choose to use them. The Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee shows videos of people with developmental disabilities in their places of employment. The auditor’s office demonstrates the use of a voting machines for the visually impaired. Activities continue in the parking lot at 114 E. Sixth St. at 2 p.m. The Disabilities Assistance Trust Organization begins its “Wheel Around” from the parking lot at Wildwood Terrace Apartments, 934 W. Lauridsen Blvd.

Guided walking tour — Historic downtown buildings, an old brothel and “Underground Port Angeles,” 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Meet at Chamber of Commerce, 121 E. Railroad Ave. Tickets $10 adults, $8 senior citizens and students, $5 ages 6 to 12. Children younger than 6 free. For reservations, phone 360-452-2363, Ext. 0.

Joyce Depot Museum — Located 15 miles west of Port Angeles on state Highway 112 in Joyce. Open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1915 era log depot houses, photographs and historical information regarding Joyce, Port Crescent, Twin, Lake Crescent, Camp Hayden, the Spruce Railroad and early logging. Gossett Wing houses an 1890 Studebaker Brothers runabout horse carriage and a 1915 Republic truck. Phone 360-928-3568.

Meeting — Overeaters Anonymous literature meeting at Oak Street Center, 109 Oak St., Port Angeles, noon. Phone 360-460-0628.

Parent support group — Parents Helping Parents, a support group for parents involved with Department of Children and Family Services, meets at Peninsula Mental Health, 118 E. Eighth St., noon to 1 p.m. Phone 360-457-0431, Ext. 122.

Bingo — Port Angeles Senior Center, 328 E. Seventh St., 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Phone 360-457-7004.

Veterans recognition — All veterans welcome at bell-ringing ceremony, 1 p.m., Veterans Park, 217 S. Lincoln St. Honoring Clallam and Jefferson counties war veterans who died during the month.

Museum at the Carnegie — Open 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Permanent exhibit, “Strong People: The Faces of Clallam County,” features the history of the county. The downstairs exhibit is in the process of being changed; it will feature highlights of past exhibits. Opening date to be announced. Located at Second and Lincoln streets. Handicap entrance in back. Tours, phone 360-452-2662.

Bingo — Masonic Lodge, 622 Lincoln St., 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 4 p.m. Food, drinks and pull tabs available. Phone 360-457-7377.

Nicotine Anonymous — Nicotine Anonymous Fellowship Group meets at Cedar Grove Counseling, 1020 Caroline St., 5 p.m. People who have a desire to stop using nicotine are invited to attend. Phone 360-452-2443.


Peace vigil — Women in Black vigil at Laurel Street fountain, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Phone Diana Somerville, 360-452-1212. www.womenin

Knitting class — Golden Crafts Shop, 112-C Lincoln St., 10 a.m. to noon. Free. Donations accepted. Register, phone 360-457-0509.

Port Angeles Farmers Market — Local fresh produce, crafts and music. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Clallam County Courthouse parking lot, Fourth and Peabody streets.

Guided walking tour — Historic downtown buildings, an old brothel and “Underground Port Angeles,” 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Meet at Chamber of Commerce, 121 E. Railroad Ave. Tickets $10 adults, $8 senior citizens and students, $5 ages 6 to 12. Children younger than 6, free. For reservations, phone 360-452-2363, Ext. 0.

Joyce Depot Museum — Located 15 miles west of Port Angeles on state Highway 112 in Joyce. Open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1915 era log depot houses, photographs and historical information regarding Joyce, Port Crescent, Twin, Lake Crescent, Camp Hayden, the Spruce Railroad and early logging. Gossett Wing houses an 1890 Studebaker runabout horse carriage and a 1915 Republic truck. Phone 360-928-3568.

Peace rally — Sponsored by Green Party of Clallam County, noon to 2 p.m., Veterans Park, 217 S. Lincoln St. Phone 360-683-0867.

Seminar — John Bartlett, owner of Shadow Dragon, talks about hypnotherapy and qigong. Port Angeles Public Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., 1 p.m. Phone 360-775-8533; e-mail; or click on

Cribbage — For all ages, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Port Angeles Senior Center, 328 E. Seventh St.


Breakfast — Eagles Club, 110 S. Penn St., 9 a.m. to noon. $6 a person; children 5 to 12, $5; children 5 and younger are free. Open to the public. Phone 360-452-3344.

Dance — Sons of Norway Hall, 131 W. Fifth St. Begins at 6:30 p.m. with 30 minutes of instruction, followed by folk and ballroom. Refreshments at 9 p.m. $2 members, $3 nonmembers. Phone 360-457-4081.

Sequim and the Dungeness Valley


Walk aerobics — Free. 8 a.m. First Baptist Church of Sequim, 1323 Sequim-Dungeness Way, Sequim. Phone 360-683-2114.

Line dancing lessons — Beginning dancers meet at the Sequim Elks Lodge, 143 Port Williams Road, Sequim, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. $3 per class.

Duplicate bridge — Sequim Duplicate Bridge Club, 12:30 p.m., Masonic Temple, 700 S. Fifth Ave., Sequim. Phone 360-681-3090, or partnership 360-683-5635.

Meal — For anyone in need, from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Glory House Church Fellowship at Sequim Community Help Center, 157 W. Cedar St. Phone 360-681-8735.


Sequim Open Aire Market — Cedar Street, between Sequim Avenue and Second Avenue, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Click on

Overeaters Anonymous — Literature meeting at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 525 N. Fifth St., Sequim, 10 a.m. Phone 360-681-8753.

Midway Market — Swap meet-style market in the parking lot of Lost Mountain Surf Co., 261391 U.S. Highway 101, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. $10 fee for a 10-feet-by-10-feet vendor space. Phone Michelle Wilson at 360-683-9001; e-mail; or click on

Garden advice — WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners holds a plant clinic Co-op Farm & Garden, 216 E. Washington St., Sequim, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring samples of plant problems and gardening questions. Free and open to the public. Phone the Master Gardeners help line at 360-417-2514.

Workshops, clinics — Home Depot, 1145 W. Washington St., Sequim. “Installing a Toilet,” 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.; “Tiling Floors and Walls,” 11 a.m. to noon; “Seasonal Gardening Topics and Tips,” 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; “Installing a Speed Connect Faucet,” 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Free. Walk-ins welcome. Pre-register, phone 360-582-1620, or click on

Storytelling — “Native Tales Storytelling” at the Sequim at the Museum and Arts Center, 175 W. Cedar St., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Open to children of all ages. Native American tales and legends and crafts and a puppet show.

Barbecue — Sunshine Herb & Lavender Farm, 274154 U.S. Highway 101, Sequim, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Apple wood smoked ribs with lavender sauce; pulled pork sandwiches; hot dogs and chips. Prices vary. Plant care demonstrations throughout the day. Phone 360-683-6453.

Light lunch — Free hot meals for people in need at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 525 N. Fifth Ave., Sequim, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Phone 360-683-4862.

Book signing — Sequim author Dodie Sparks previews and signs copies of her first children’s book, Spring ABC’s,” at The Buzz, 128 N. Sequim Ave., noon to 3 p.m. This lyrical book is illustrated by Bob Thompson, also of Sequim. Phone Sparks at 360-681-4089; e-mail; or click on


Midway Market — Swap meet-style market in the parking lot of Lost Mountain Surf Co., 261391 U.S. Highway 101, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. $10 fee for a 10-feet-by-10-feet vendor space. Phone Michelle Wilson at 360-683-9001; e-mail; or click on

Barbecue — Sunshine Herb & Lavender Farm, 274154 U.S. Highway 101, Sequim, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Apple wood smoked ribs with lavender sauce; pulled pork sandwiches; hot dogs and chips. Prices vary. Plant care demonstrations throughout the day. Phone 360-683-6453.

Music at McComb — McComb Gardens, 751 McComb Road, 1 p.m. Craig Buhler: The Heard performs compositions. Phone 360-681-2827; e-mail; or click on

Scrabble — Games start promptly at 1 p.m., The Buzz, 128 N. Sequim Ave., Sequim. Phone 360-681-2619.

Free workshop — “Decorative Paint Techniques” taught at Home Depot, 1145 W. Washington St., Sequim, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Learn techniques of sponging, ragging and dragging. Free. Walk-ins welcome. Phone 360-582-1620, or click on

Port Townsend and Jefferson County


Rothschild House Museum — 418 Taylor St., Port Townsend. Open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. An 1868 home featuring original furnishings and artifacts. Currently showing an exhibit of “Party Dresses” from the Jefferson County Historical Society clothing collection. Admission is $4 for adults; $1 for children 3 to 12; free for Historical Society members. Phone 360-379-8076, or click on

Museum and shop — Jefferson County Historical Society Museum, 540 Water St., Port Townsend. Open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Exhibits include “Jefferson County’s Maritime Heritage,” “James Swan and the Native Americans” and “The Chinese in Early Port Townsend.” Admission, $4 for adults; $1 for children 3 to 12; free to historical society members. Phone 360-385-1003; e-mail; or click on

Conversation Cafe — Community discussions, noon in the Lighthouse Cafe, 955 Water St., Port Townsend. Phone Jim Rough, 360-385-7118. For information about Conversation Cafes, click on Topic: “Selling Change.”

Museum — Quilcene Historical Museum, 151 E. Columbia St., open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. New and expanded exhibits include an early 1900s kitchen, store, millinery shop, barn, school, logging and early Quilcene. Documents, family histories, research materials and photos of the Quilcene area are available. Admission by donation. Phone 360-765-4848, or e-mail

Plant clinic — WSU Master Gardeners plant clinic at the Food Co-op, 414 Kearney St., Port Townsend, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Master Gardeners provides information on diagnosing pest and disease problems, identifying plants, sustainable gardening practices and integrated pest management. Phone 360-379-5610, Ext. 222.

Overeaters Anonymous — Literature meeting at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1032 Jefferson St., Port Townsend, 5 p.m. Phone 360-385-6854.

Weekend celebration — Ebony Moon Fest, a community celebration, held at the Dragon’s Nest, a 12-acre community located outside of Port Townsend at 1620 S. Discovery Road, 5 p.m. today to 6 p.m. Sunday. Performers, food, games and workshops. Tickets cost $15. Phone 360-385-6970, or click on

‘Knit Night’ — Port Townsend Public Library, 1220 Lawrence St., 6:30 p.m. Phone 360-344-3061.


Weekend celebration — Ebony Moon Fest, a community celebration, held at the Dragon’s Nest, a 12-acre community located outside of Port Townsend at 1620 S. Discovery Road, all day today to 6 p.m. Sunday. Performers, food, games and workshops. Tickets cost $20. Phone 360-385-6970, or click on

‘ParTy in PT’ — Free outdoor music, sidewalk sales, horse-drawn wagon rides, guided historical walking tours featured during Port Townsend Main Street’s “2008 ParTy in PT/Sizzling Sidewalk Sale.” Various locations in Port Townsend. Click on

PT Market — Port Townsend Farmers Market, on Tyler Street between Lawrence and Clay streets, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Farm produce, organic food, crafts and art. Phone 360-379-9098; e-mail; or click on

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous — Support group meets at the Baptist Church, 1202 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Phone 360-385-0318.

Olympic Art Festival — Olympic Art Gallery, 40 Washington St., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Artists from the gallery display artwork and demonstrate their art techniques. Shirley Smith-Moore and Emma King sing during the free festival. Phone the gallery at 360-765-0200; e-mail; or click on

Music festival — Family Music Festival: Scottish Highland Games held at Memorial Field, 550 Washington St., Port Townsend, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Dance featuring folk, blues, Scottish, rock ‘n’ roll, celtic and jazz music. Learn how to make and play harmonicas and stringed instruments. Silent auction and food vendors. All proceeds go to the Andy Mackie Music Foundation for musical instruments, lessons and scholarships for graduating seniors, and to Habitat for Humanity. Sponsored by John L. Scott Real Estate of Port Townsend. Phone Mackie at 360-316-9556.

Fort Flagler tour — Guided walking tours through Fort Flagler State Park led by Friends of Fort Flagler. Meet at the park office at the north end of Marrowstone Island, 10:30 a.m. Tour of historic power plants, searchlight buildings, underground passageways and gun emplacements. Bring flashlights. Suggested donation of $5 per family; $2 for adults; and $1 for children. Phone Bob Brown at 360-379-9578.

Rothschild House Museum — 418 Taylor St., Port Townsend. Open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. An 1868 home featuring original furnishings and artifacts. Currently showing an exhibit of “Party Dresses” from the Jefferson County Historical Society clothing collection. Admission is $4 for adults; $1 for children 3 to 12; free for Historical Society members. Phone 360-379-8076, or click on

Peace vigil — 12:30 p.m. at ferry intersection, downtown Port Townsend. Bring flags, banners or posters.

Museum — Quilcene Historical Museum, 151 E. Columbia St., open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. New and expanded exhibits include an early 1900s kitchen, store, millinery shop, barn, school, logging and early Quilcene. Documents, family histories, research materials and photos of the Quilcene area are available. Admission by donation. Phone 360-765-4848, or e-mail

‘Concert in the Barn’ — Olympic Music Festival holds its 10th “Concert in the Barn” at 2 p.m. Held in a restored 100-year-old barn, located off Center Road near Quilcene. Tickets range in price from $16 to $25. Phone 360-732-4800, or click on

Tour — Downtown walking tour, guided by the Jefferson County Historical Society, to explore the history, architecture and characters of early Port Townsend. Meet at the Jefferson County Museum at City Hall, 540 Water St., Port Townsend, 2 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults; $5 for children; free for Historical Society members. Phone 360-385-1003, or click on

Bingo — Beginning at 6:45 p.m. in the Booster Club, Corey Lane, Brinnon.

Concert — “Puccini to Porter.” Tenor Richard Troxell sings a concert of solo operatic, including arias, art songs and classic Broadway melodies. Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2333 San Juan Ave., Port Townsend, 8 p.m. This is the final event in Key City Public Theatre’s “Summer Performing Arts Series.” Tickets cost $22 each, which includes entry in a drawing for two tickets to a Portland Opera. Tickets, phone 360-379-0195, or click on


Weekend celebration — Ebony Moon Fest, a community celebration, held at the Dragon’s Nest, a 12-acre community located outside of Port Townsend at 1620 S. Discovery Road, continued from Friday, ends at 6 p.m. today. Performers, food, games and workshops. Tickets cost $10. Phone 360-385-6970, or click on

‘ParTy in PT’ — Free outdoor music, sidewalk sales, horse-drawn wagon rides, guided historical walking tours featured during Port Townsend Main Street’s “2008 ParTy in PT/Sizzling Sidewalk Sale.” Various locations in Port Townsend. Click on

Fort Flagler tour — Guided walking tours through Fort Flagler State Park led by Friends of Fort Flagler. Meet at the park office at the north end of Marrowstone Island, 10:30 a.m. Tour of historic power plants, searchlight buildings, underground passageways and gun emplacements. Tour of historic hospital at 2 p.m. Bring flashlights. Suggested donation of $5 per family; $2 for adults; and $1 for children. Phone Bob Brown at 360-379-9578.

Chimacum Farmers’ Market — Chimacum Grange, 9572 Rhody Drive, 11 a.m .to 3 p.m.Fresh salmon, chicken, tomatoes, greens, Mexican tortillas, ornamentals, honey, bees wax candles, burgers and franks, pies and local wines.

Rothschild House Museum — 418 Taylor St., Port Townsend. Open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. An 1868 home featuring original furnishings and artifacts. Currently showing an exhibit of “Party Dresses” from the Jefferson County Historical Society clothing collection. Admission is $4 for adults; $1 for children 3 to 12; free for Historical Society members. Phone 360-379-8076, or click on

Music festival — Family Music Festival: Scottish Highland Games held at Memorial Field, 550 Washington St., Port Townsend, noon to 6 p.m. Learn how to make and play harmonicas and stringed instruments. Silent auction and food vendors. All proceeds go to the Andy Mackie Music Foundation for musical instruments, lessons and scholarships for graduating seniors, and to Habitat for Humanity. Sponsored by John L. Scott Real Estate of Port Townsend. Phone Mackie at 360-316-9556.

Museum — Quilcene Historical Museum, 151 E. Columbia St., open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. New and expanded exhibits include an early 1900s kitchen, store, millinery shop, barn, school, logging and early Quilcene. Documents, family histories, research materials and photos of the Quilcene area are available. Admission by donation. Phone 360-765-4848, or e-mail

Tour — Uptown walking tour, guided by the Jefferson County Historical Society, to explore the history and architecture of Port Townsend’s uptown neighborhood. Meet at the Rothschild House Museum, 418 Taylor St., Port Townsend, 2 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults; $5 for children; free for Historical Society members. Phone 360-385-1003, or click on

‘Concert in the Barn’ — Olympic Music Festival holds its 10th “Concert in the Barn” at 2 p.m. Held in a restored 100-year-old barn, located off Center Road near Quilcene. Tickets range in price from $16 to $25. Phone 360-732-4800, or click on

Square dance lessons — Tri-Area Community Center, 10 West Valley Road, Chimacum, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Anyone interested in dancing is invited to attend. $3 per person. Phone 360-379-6849 or 360-385-1554.

Forks and the West End


Logging, mill tours — Forks Chamber of Commerce’s logging and mill tour. Van leaves from the Visitor Information Center, 1411 S. Forks Ave., 9 a.m. The tour is free, but donations are accepted. Reserve a spot, phone 360-374-2531 or 800-443-6757.


Open Aire Market — U.S. Highway 101, next to the Forks Timber Museum, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Locally grown produce and hand-crafted items, including natural soaps and body products, doll clothing, homemade goods, hand-poured soy wax candles, photography prints and cards and woodcraft items. $5 vendor fee collected at each market. Phone 360-327-3877.


The daily Things to Do calendar primarily lists public nonprofit and not-for profit events. There is no cost for inclusion.

Submissions must be received at least two weeks in advance of the event and contain the event’s name, location and address, times, cost if any, contact phone number and a brief description.

Submitting items for Things to Do is easy:

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