SEQUIM — The Out Loud Story Slam is back at Olympic Theatre Arts.
Host Nessa Goldman emcees the event set for 7 p.m. Friday at the OTA gathering hall, 414 N. Sequim Ave. The theme for the evening is “Head Over Heels.”
Tickets are $15 and are available online at, at the theatre box office, or at the door, if available. Cash and card accepted.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the show starts at 7 p.m.
While the slam is in close proximity to Valentine’s Day, there is no obligation for the story to be romantic, organizers said. Offerings can be a story about a tumble, or a time you ended up turned around and twisted. Themes are just a guideline, and the teller is the interpreter, to do with it what they will.
Everyone is invited to drop their name in a bag to share a five-minute true, personal story on the theme.
Storytelling isn’t just an opportunity to get on stage, Story Slam organizers say.
“Our audience members get just as much from our events as our tellers do,” organizers said.
Storytellers are judged by the audience, but the event is all in the spirit of sharing. The idea is that tellers prepare their best stories, and the winners will go on to participate in a future Grand Slam.
Audience members can also participate anonymously, or just enjoy the tales of the evening.
Ten tellers will be selected in total.
Those interested in telling or have been thinking about telling and would like a little more guidance are encouraged to contact Out Loud Story Slam at outloudstory
For more information, call OTA at 360-683-7326.