First Tuesday to feature two readers

PORT ANGELES — Kathy “Anita” Gonzales and Johnjoseph Pager will be the featured readers during a First Tuesday group meeting on Tuesday.

Members of the public are invited to attend the reading at Sam’s Chinese Restaurant and Teriyaki, 2941 E. U.S. Highway 101, at 7 p.m.

A no-host dinner will begin at 6 p.m.

Pager, who has published The Ten Books in Germany, will read from his new manuscript of poems, Inside the Whale.

Jungian program

PORT TOWNSEND — The Edward F. Edinger Society will offer is “Jung 101” study program this fall.

A free program orientation will be held at the Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2333 San Juan Ave., at 7 p.m. on Sept. 8.

The nine-week study program, known as “Centerpoint” will draw from Carl Jung’s writings and published works, lectures and interviews to introduce students to the basic concepts of classical Jungian thought.

Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist, philosopher and writer.

Volunteers needed

PORT TOWNSEND — Volunteers are still needed to help with the Wooden Boat Festival, to be staged Sept. 5-7.

Volunteer orientation will be held at the Cupola House, 380 Jefferson St. in Point Hudson, at 6 p.m. on Tuesday.

Applications can be obtained online at wooden

For information, phone 360-385-3628, Ext. 102, or e-mail

September artists

SEQUIM — Members of the Olympic Peaks Camera Club will be the featured artists at the Museum & Arts Center, 175 W. Cedar St., throughout September.

A grand opening reception for the club will be held during the First Friday Art Walk from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sept. 5.

Art walk scheduled

QUILCENE — The First Saturday Art Walk will be held in Quilcene on Sept. 6.

Participating galleries will serve refreshments from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Galleries include Olympic Art Gallery, corner of U.S. Highway 101 and Washington Street; The Quilcene Gallery, corner of Highway 101 and Church Street; Wildwood Antiques, 293211 Highway 101; and Great Age Antiques and Restorations, 294773 Highway 101.

For more information, phone Sally Brown at 360-765-0200; e-mail info@; or click on www.olympicart

Farm walk, workshop

SEQUIM — A farm walk and “Seed Saving Workshop” will be held at Nash’s Organic Produce, 1865 E. Anderson Road, on Sept. 8.

The farm walk will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon., followed by the workshop from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Cost to participate in the farm walk is $10 for Tilth Producers members and $15 for nonmembers.

Cost for the workshop is the same.

To register, mail a check to Tilth Producers, P.O. Box 85056, Seattle, WA 98145.

Registration will also be accepted on the day of the tour and workshop.

Participants should bring a lunch.

Beverages will provided.

During the farm walk, participants will learn about growing on-farm seed in relation to financial and environmental sustainability.

During the workshop, participants will learn to harvest seeds.

For more information, click on or

More in Life

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Emily Matthiessen/Olympic Peninsula News Group
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