PORT ANGELES — Now is the time to prune blueberries. An annual pruning regimen is needed to encourage strong new canes and promote good berry production.
From 10:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Feb. 13, Clallam County Master Gardeners Jeanette Stehr-Green and Audreen Williams will teach home blueberry growers how to prune their blueberry bushes for productivity.
This presentation is part of Clallam County Master Gardeners’ new “Digging Deeper” webinar series, 90-minute presentations that include plenty of time for viewers to ask questions.
The free presentation will be held live via Zoom. For instructions on how to view the presentation, go to tinyurl.com/fblmb29c.
Stehr-Green and Williams will describe the typical growth pattern of blueberries and outline a systematic approach to pruning. They will also talk about how to prune newly planted blueberries and renovate neglected blueberry patches.
Stehr-Green has been a Master Gardener since 2003 and was the 2012 Clallam County Veteran Master Gardener of the Year. She has attained Lifetime Achievement status with Clallam County Master Gardeners and completed Oregon State University’s Online Blueberry School.
Williams joined Master Gardeners in 2012 and was the 2014 and 2019 Clallam County Veteran Master Gardener of the Year.
Both Stehr-Green and Williams have many years of experience growing berries of all types.
For more information about “Pruning Blueberries for Productivity,” call 360-565-2679.