PORT ANGELES — Organizers say the 35th annual Clallam County Home &Lifestyle Show this weekend will offer more information and options than ever before, with the summer construction and home improvement season just around the corner.
Doors will open at 9:30 a.m. and close at 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the free show in the Port Angeles High School gymnasium, 304 E. Park Ave. Parking will be available in the student parking lots on the 200 and 300 blocks of East Park Avenue.
A free shuttle will take visitors from parking areas to the gym.
About 150 exhibits are planned, with some participants using more than one booth for their display, said Stan Comeau, KONP sales manager.
“I’d say we’re at capacity and beyond,” he said. “It is by far going to be the show with more to offer than any show in the last six, seven, eight or 10 years.”
This year, organizers broke from the norm and expanded exhibit space into the concessions area outside the gym, he said.
The annual home improvement show is a bazaar of contractors and suppliers, service providers and recreational opportunities.
The 35-year show attracts between 7,000 and 10,000 visitors annually.
Until 2015, the gathering was known as the KONP Home Show.
Sponsored by KONP (1450 AM and 101.7 FM) and the Clallam County Public Utility District, the Home &Lifestyle Show is a showplace for businesses on the North Olympic Peninsula and elsewhere to display their services and for prospective customers to gather information for spring and summer plans.
Visitors to the show will receive a free reusable shopping bag for as long as supplies last.
Home improvement businesses will be on hand to offer information on gutters, bathroom fixtures, blinds, windows, roofing, lawn care equipment, and heating and cooling systems.
Comeau said about 33 percent of this year’s exhibits are new to the Home Show.
“The thing that sets our show apart … is the variety,” he said. “We have exhibits that pertain to health, medical care, fitness, recreation and not just drywall and carpet.
“Our show has hopefully something for everyone.”
Comeau said several new local businesses will be represented this year.
“It makes me happy to see new local businesses are starting up,” he said.
Home Depot will return this year to conduct a children’s activity with a free kids workshop, he said.
For more information, including a full list of participants and a map of their locations at the show, see www.cchomeshow.com.
Reporter Jesse Major can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 56250, or at jmajor@peninsuladailynews.com.