The government of the United States “is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion,” President John Adams declared in the Treaty of Tripoli… Continue reading
If we see the election in terms of winners and losers, we miss the point of how a representative democracy is designed to work. Elected… Continue reading
If you know the facts about veterans therapeutic courts, you wonder why Clallam County District Court Judge Rick Porter is passionately advocating his friend Dave… Continue reading
I am proudly putting my support and vote behind Dave Neupert for Superior Court judge, Position 2, in Clallam County. Dave is not your run-of-the-mill… Continue reading
I am an attorney retired from the active practice of law. I am supporting Brian Coughenour’s retention as Superior Court judge. These are my reasons:… Continue reading
I have known Mike Chapman for a number of years. He has always impressed me with his ability to shed partisan politics and approach issues… Continue reading
Ron Richards lived across the street from my parents decades ago. Six years ago, he visited my mom at least twice in the nursing home… Continue reading
After waiting a considerable length of time for oncoming traffic and backing up a long line of traffic behind me, I made a stupid left… Continue reading
I’ll make this short. I urge you to vote for Mike Chapman for 24th District state representative. He has worked in a bipartisan way to… Continue reading
• To stop the people, special interests and corporations who are relentlessly using our political system to take what they want and make everybody else… Continue reading
In response to Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal Chairman/CEO Ron Allen’s Nov. 2 letter in Peninsula Voices [“Tribe for Neupert”], may it be known the Jamestown Tribal… Continue reading
A letter to the editor published Thursday, “For Jill Stein,” was a clearly written summary of the 2016 Democratic presidential campaign. Letter-writer Therese “Tree” Stokan… Continue reading
Further comment on the topic of a letter to Peninsula Voices discussing the Clallam County commissioner campaign (“For Randy Johnson,” Peninsula Voices, Oct. 21) is… Continue reading
I met Clallam County commissioner candidate Ron Richards more than a year ago at a PA CAN [Port Angeles Citizen Action Network] park cleanup. We… Continue reading
I have known Clallam County commissioner candidate Ron Richards since the ’70s. He volunteered on the NO Oilport! board, a coalition to defeat an oil… Continue reading
Citizens of Clallam County, arise, get up. Exercise your right to vote, which is just another word for freedom. For too long, the western and… Continue reading
The writer of an Oct. 30 letter to Peninsula Voices from a self-described local organic farmer, “Working together,” would ask both Clallam County commissioner candidates,… Continue reading
Bruce Lippke, professor emeritus of the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences of the University of Washington, presented arguments that the forest product producers should… Continue reading
The Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal Council, the elected body representing the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, has endorsed Dave Neupert in his bid for Clallam County Superior Court… Continue reading
A political action committee is throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars to defeat Justice Charlie Wiggins’ re-election to the state Supreme Court. The PAC claims… Continue reading