Hooray PUD.
A breath of fresh air.
Rate stability is just what we need for the next few years.
Small decrease in energy charge for 2023 and proposed no rate increase for 2024 and 2025.
The Clallam County Public Utility District’s resource plan developed over the last decade or so has turned out to be a great long-term strategy.
Reliance on Bonneville Power Administration and the PUD’s renewable energy plan provide more than 95 percent of the PUD’s energy needs from renewable, non-carbon emitting resources.
A great balance with cost.
Support for clean energy at an affordable cost; the envy of most utilities and policy makers in the US and the world.
Keep up the good work.
Don’t make your customers utility expense more than it needs to be.
Re-elect Wil Purser
Don’t let Greta set your renewable policy.
Fred Mitchell