LETTERS: Blame to Obama, credit to Trump

Two recent letters to the editor (“Shameful Support” and “Venting over GOP”) were full of generalizations attacking President Donald Trump that read like comedy scripts for Trump Derangement Syndrome ads.

For “Venting’s” benefit, it was states led by the Democrat Party that seceded from the union, not the Republicans, just as it was members of the Democrat Party who created the KKK and segregation.

As for “Shameful’s” complaint that our once prosperous nation, etc., has been destroyed by President Donald Trump — that was former President Barack Obama.

He left our military underfunded and weak, more than doubled the national debt, and set high numbers for unemployed and welfare rolls (10.7 million additional food stamp recipients).

His treaties and trade deals put us on the path to collapse with a 1.5 percent GNP growth.

Trump turned all that around.

The GNP is way up, unemployment is at an all-time low, millions have left welfare and the military is now much stronger.

Neither letter addressed the corruption of the Obama regime with their politicizing the Internal Revenue Service, or what is now shaping up to be spying on political opponents and attempting a non-violent coup.

The Democrats and the media just wasted millions on the collusion delusion and are still beating that broken drum.

Meanwhile, without bluster or politicization the attorney general and the inspector general are investigating what appears to be numerous crimes committed by the Obama regime CIA, FBI and Justice Department during the primary and 2016 election.

Mike Keegan,

Port Angeles