The indictment of Donald Trump by the people of New York State is way past due.
Throughout his business dealings, he’s had hundreds of cases against him: From defamation, sexual harassment and assault, legal battles with casino patrons, to real estate suits. Trump University scandal is one significant settlement — $25 million.
People aligned with him have gone to jail or are under investigation because of scheming they did with him.
They thought they could quash state and federal government laws, and go scot-free from committing crimes.
His tax returns are under intense scrutiny.
The current New York tax fraud case, the falsely reported business transactions used to hush up a sexual affair and conceal crimes for purpose of deception in his 2016 election campaign, now has produced an indictment with 34 felony counts.
He’s called for mass protests and violence if arraigned (Section 373, Title 18, US Code: defines and punishes the offense of solicitation to commit a federal crime of violence).
To me, corruption of American minds is his worst offense.
To manipulate people to secure one’s own status, wealth, power, and criminal behavior by far leads to the destruction of our principles of integrity, honor, and fair play, worse than the incapacitation of our people by the fentanyl drug epidemic.
This first indictment is a long-time-coming for this crude man to be brought to justice.
Gayle Brauner
Port Angeles