LETTER:Quality candidate

Quality candidate

I’m writing to support Chris Noble, a write-in candidate for the Port Angeles School District Board of Directors.

I retired from the district after service at all levels, teacher assistant to central office administrator and I am now a board member of the Port Angeles Education Foundation.

My experience and background tells me that the quality of the individuals on our district’s board of directors is crucial to the success of each and every student.

Board members also support all staff members, who are entrusted with student education, care and safety.

Having thoughtful, compassionate, and respectful board members drives the quality of education in our district. It is with this background that I put my full support and faith in Chris Noble as write-in candidate for position #3.

He is an actuary by profession and also a substitute math teacher and tutor at Stevens Middle School and Port Angeles High School.

Please join me in writing Chris Noble on your ballot for school district board of directors, Position 3.

Mary Unger

Port Angeles