LETTER:Italian harassed

I’m a dark-skinned Italian, born in Italy, and a U.S. citizen.

I’ve lived here for 17 years and have noticed changes since 2016.

Lately, people have derisively asked me if I’m Mexican and, on another occasion, Arab.

I’ve been harassed more than once on the Olympic Discovery Trail while walking my dog.

Shortly after the election of 2016, a man approached me, stood very close with his chest almost touching me and told me that, “Trump would send me back where I belong.”

Another time, a man in a truck followed me in my vehicle and when he passed me, he yelled, “We’re going to send all of you back.”

Recently, when walking another stretch of the Olympic Discovery Trail, a man, who had been passed by others without incident, glared at me and told me he was going to beat me up.

I’m becoming alarmed and frustrated at the treatment that some local people extend to those they think of as different.

The welcome for me here is wearing out.

I’m thinking more and more of returning to Europe.

Marco Bonavena

Port Angeles