LETTER:End to rule of law

Justice Alito violated a lot more than precedent and much more than women’s reproductive choice in his leaked draft opinion reversing Roe.

He violated our First Amendment freedom of religion.

Only 14 percent of U.S. citizens identify with conservative Christianity, but the conservative majority on the court wants to impose on all of us their belief that life begins at conception.

In the U.S., religion is a choice, not a legal obligation, and it has been heretofore an area where the state, at any level, could not intrude.

The court is about to allow states to dictate conformity to a minority religious opinion.

This is ridiculous, and the polls assessing the court’s integrity, already low due to its politicization, will quickly descend into contempt.

Justice Sotomayor’s word for this problem was ‘stench.’

Integrity, precedent, and consistency between our various laws are foundational to this nation’s rule of law. Four of the five conservative justices, Alito included, lied to Congress, promising to respect Roe, to get on the bench.

Now, by dooming pregnant women and their medical support to persecution under various states’ laws, these justices are aggressively undermining our nation’s rule of law for the sake of a religious conviction that many women and their doctors do not share.

These justices are destroying this country’s internationally honored rule of law, as well as ruining the already compromised reputation of the Supreme Court.

Judith Parker
