LETTER: Writer dislikes Pride Month

Goodness, aren’t you glad the so-called “Pride Month” is over?

I was intrigued at first, since I have always enjoyed nature shows about lions.

But by the end, I was simply bored, expecting to see a Seattle television reporter modeling his rainbow BVDs.

Did you know the month of June gets its name from Juno, the protector of Rome, queen of gods, and goddess of marriage, childbirth and fertility?

To keep things fresh, I suggest the movement pick a different deadly sin next year.

There are seven, you know.

If you are the kind of religious or social conservative who thinks there can be a live-and-let-live détente with these people, you are sadly mistaken.

First it demands toleration, then ratification, then celebration and finally co-participation.

To paraphrase George Orwell: “You must learn to love queer Big Brother.”

Jerry Ludke,

Port Angeles