A friend recently asked what three qualities I’d want in a political leader, and these are what I came up with:
• Thinks things through carefully and considers all sides of a question.
• Speaks the truth, even when inconvenient.
• Sees beyond the current situation to the larger, long-term good of the body politic.
I’m quite happy with the quality and quantity of candidates for Port Angeles City Council as a group, and I consider that fact alone to bode well for our community, especially given the rancor we have seen of late in both local and national politics.
If we’re to heal and move forward together, I’m convinced that movement will start at the local level.
Voting is a fundamental constitutional responsibility to participate in the shaping of our collective future.
Our civic health depends upon it.
I urge everyone to stand up and be counted in our upcoming primary election, to study the candidates and issues and make informed choices.
In the upcoming city council primary, my choices are Jim Moran and Mike French.
Both candidates have a long streak of fundamental decency, a friendly manner, quiet competence, integrity and the best interests of the community at heart.
They both focus on the fundamentals of what makes a community great, and they exemplify the three qualities outlined above.
I sincerely thank all our candidates for stepping forward to offer their service to our community, and I look forward to better times for Port Angeles on the horizon.
Ed Chadd,
Port Angeles