A Jan. 1 letter writer’s concern about air traffic controllers [“‘Social engineering’”] is misdirected.
She should focus on increased hiring in general, including women and minorities.
Business Insider documents a NASA study that concludes air traffic controllers are chronically working under sleep deprivation.
The global airport industry reported Oct. 12: “In the U.S., the number of controllers is now at its lowest point in the past 27 years.”
SourceWatch, a website that documents entities attempting to shape public opinion, states The Mountain States Legal Foundation referenced in the writer’s letter “files cases and amicus curiae briefs attacking environmental protections and designations on behalf of oil, mineral, development and timber interests. … Over the past two decades, MSLF has served as a training ground for a number of attorneys most active in the anti-environmental movement.”
Additionally, last fall’s Convention of States simulation passing an amendment to restrict federal regulation authority is something I adamantly oppose.
We need regulations because we cannot depend on people/corporations to do the right thing.
I like clean air and water, safe food supply and workplaces, preserving national parks and public resources, i.e. “the commons.”
Even football has rules.
In this era of fake news, people need to learn how to decipher information.
SourceWatch teaches how to “research front groups and uncover propaganda tactics, such as the use of the ‘third party technique,’ as well as great insider tips for web researching.”
The best policy is to always go to the horse’s mouth to discover the facts of the matter.
Step up citizens.
We have a responsibility to be informed.
Democracy is in the balance.
Jackie Aase,
Port Townsend