LETTER: Vote yes on levies

I am writing in support of the Crescent School’s levies.

Unfortunately the recent McCleary decision did not fully fund schools in areas such as classroom materials, food service, nurses, counseling, technology upgrades, special education, etc.

These must be funded by an Educational Programs & Operations levy which will be replacing the current levy at a reduced rate of approx. .24 cents per thousand evaluation.

In addition the Crescent schools have some buildings that are approaching 50 years old and are in need of repair.

Four years ago residents in the district approved capital improvements of $400,000 and those projects were completed on time and under budget.

The district has identified very needed projects to maintain its facilities to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for our kids.

The capital levy will provide $125,000 to the district each year for four years at a cost that is slightly lower than the current levy it is replacing.

I’m voting yes on Crescent school propositions 1 and 2 and I hope you will too.

Terry Barnett
