LETTER: Vote Van Hoover for hospital commission

Now it’s time to think critically about your choice for Jefferson Healthcare hospital commissioner.

Both candidates are intelligent, thoughtful people.

If the job were more generic — for instance City Council member or county commissioner, both policy decision-making positions for general purpose government — either of these candidates would be well-qualified.

But this is not “general purpose” government.

Public hospital districts have specific, narrowly defined purposes.

Their policy decision-makers need deep understanding and ideally direct professional experience with public health issues and health care delivery.

It’s extraordinarily complex.

Federal and state regulations and regional alliances must be artfully woven into the right decisions to address our local needs.

I’ve walked in those shoes, with years as a public health official and two terms on the Harborview Medical Center Board of Trustees.

I know Cheri Van Hoover is the right choice for Jefferson Healthcare hospital commissioner.

She has lived and breathed health care delivery for more than 30 years.

Cheri is steeped in the nuances of public health policy and has the important distinction of teaching health care policy to medical, nursing and midwifery students.

You have to know your stuff to capably teach upcoming health care professionals.

Cheri is eminently well-prepared for this difficult job.

Join me in making the correct choice: Cheri Van Hoover for hospital commissioner.

Linda Herzog,
