LETTER: Trump derangement syndrome evident in many letters

I am a regular reader of the letters to the editor.

I can see that Trump derangement syndrome thrives in our area based on the letters that get published.

I am amazed at the level of ignorance these letter writers have for the truth.

The anti-Trump sentiment and references to Putin demonstrate that.

They must have an exclusive diet of CNN since that’s their 24-hour-a-day message — lies and hatred toward our president.

Of course, CNN and many other networks are saying the same thing because their source and agenda are the same, never Trump, truth doesn’t matter.

The truth is President Donald Trump is proving to be and will go down in history as the best president this country has had.

His work is a result of following to the Oval Office the worst president the country has had.

The enemies of this country are working overtime to undermine the efforts of the president.

Despite our enemies’ efforts, the president has been able to achieve amazing things, a level of greatness this country has never seen before.

Someone wouldn’t know that if only watching the mainstream media.

The enemies I refer to reside inside our country’s borders, in government bureaucrats, news media and the haters that write anti-Trump letters.

Larry Winters,
