LETTER: Trickle-down economy?

Analysts across the political spectrum have harshly criticized Bernie Sanders for his allegedly far-out positions.

Some deride eliminating community college and state university tuition as well as crushing student loan debt.

A high school diploma will not ensure a good standard of living like it did 50 years ago.

In today’s economy, we need a more educated population.

We’ve been gouged for years by Big Pharma and the health insurance industry at enormous personal cost.

Providing single-payer health care for all is something most developed nations on earth have done.

I value Medicare, and was not part of the mythical crowd who are happy with their private insurance.

Where implemented, a $15-an-hour minimum wage has not resulted in widespread business failures.

It did allow many to afford the basics of life.

As for alleged class warfare and envy, I’ve yet to hear anyone strongly defend a system whereby executives and financial system gamblers pocket millions in salary, bonuses, and mammoth tax-sheltered stock options — all of which are meant to incentivize these folks.

It isn’t envy to resent the way decks have been stacked against most of us.

As a retired CPA, I’m with Bernie because we have a candidate who demands what people need instead of something deemed palatable to those who’ve benefited most from the winner-take-all system.

After 40 years listening to those who bought and paid for favorable treatment, please ask yourself how that trickle-down economy has worked for you.

Jack Marlowe
