In rebuttal to the Jan. 29 letter in Peninsula Voices, “Will miss Obama,” Obama did not lead the country “out of a serious financial crisis.”
Our economy survived despite eight years of the president’s size 12, hobnailed, regulatory boot clamped firmly athwart the throat of the private sector.
“Creating a game-changing national health policy” is nationalizing one-sixth of the private-sector economy without bipartisan support, an act of socialism.
He cleared the way for Iran to eventually become nuclear-armed, thus ensuring the death of Israel.
He made our criminal justice system nothing more than a catch-and-release program.
His foreign policies have created the chaos and uncertainty now rampant in the world.
These are his specific victories?
I thank God for the collective common sense of the American electorate who, with one bold stroke, has consigned the Obama administration to the dustbin of history.
Ethan Harris,