LETTER: Supports Heidi Eisenhour for Jefferson County commissioner

I write to endorse Heidi Eisenhour for Jefferson County commissioner, District 2.

As a resident of the area for the past 13 years, I’ve come to deeply appreciate the qualities that make Jefferson County an appealing and desirable place to live.

And while that appeal is evident in abundant ways, also evident are concerns such as affordable housing, a need for livelihoods that can support young families and the impediments of an out-of-date infrastructure.

After reviewing the statements and positions of three strong candidates, I’m persuaded that Eisenhour’s experience demonstrates that she will bring the most creative energy to addressing these and other vital issues and that she has the proven capabilities to forge agreements that move solutions forward.

Together, her deep roots in the community and her experience in financial management, conservation, and governance provide the perspective and leadership the county’s residents and businesses need to sustain, grow, and adapt to what most certainly will be a challenging future.

John Pierce
