LETTER: Selfish stand

Having witnessed protesters in Sequim whining about mask and vaccination mandates issued by legitimate officials who are well informed and responsible for the well-being of the populace, I am having a hard time swallowing their arguments.

Statements such as “My life, my choice” seem ridiculous when the life of everyone you come in contact with is affected by your selfish and ill-informed mantra.

Inconsiderate of the risks to which you expose family members, total strangers you encounter in day-to-day activities, educators and the young they are endeavoring to teach in a safe environment, the medical personnel caring for the unfortunate infected by direct or indirect means is unconscionable.

Not to mention the risks taken by medical personnel caring for you when you say, “Oops, I must have made a poor choice.”

This is comparable to being told you are going into a room full of poisonous vipers and refusing the anti-venom because you are sure that someone will bail you out by sucking the poison out of your hind end after you are bitten.

Get in line; they’re booked up with COVID-19 patients.

I’m thinking that you are getting your COVID-19 information from pundits or social media characters who couldn’t care less if you live or die.

You are being led down a slippery slope.

You will have to climb that slope when the truth, spoken daily by infectious disease experts, or your health, shows you how wrong your stance is.

Dave Mower
